Thread: TDM.
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Old 05-12-2002, 04:50 AM
BADDOG is offline BADDOG

Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 7,050

Smile TDM.

Hi all, I have recently dipped my toe into team death match games and I find these games much more fun that ordinary dm games. There is much more need for stealth and cunning and the maps I played on were huge! The guys I played against made me feel welcome (apart from blowing my head off lol lol!!!!) and gave me useful tips to help me survive. One slight niggle, I noticed the odd player who would join in a game and whack his own team? Why would someone do this? Or is this just a case of an asshole with nothing better to do?


Let the boy try along his bayonet blade.
How cold steel is, and keen with hunger of blood......

-Wilfrid Owen

"Arms and the boy"

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