Thread: Gun Control
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Old 07-04-2004, 03:38 PM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

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Originally posted by Convict
Totally agree, how the hell are we supposed to protect ourselves agaisant robbers, theifs, convicts. And what would happen to the military would they get weapons? This means we fight with our hands while a 1000 iraqis are running towards us screaming words we cant even understand, shooting at us. What would happen to hunters? This means no more food, how are we supposed to get turkey meat, chase the turkeys and stab it? How do we get viniceen from the deer? Can anyone chase down a deer, as long as i have been a hunter, there is no way in hell unless you run it over. So when someone steps on your property and wants to rob you what do you do because you cant go grab your old shotgun because it has been confiscated. I VOTE HELL NO.
Outlaw guns & gun control, the same thing? Not that i know.

Eh, whats up doc?

Can i ask what this has to do with the military and hunters? Gun control is not the same as banning guns, its controling who are allowed to or not allowed to own a gun.

Get a gun license and everyting is fixed, whats so hard to understand?

Well besides if he actually ment banning weapons with the words "gun control"

Sorry for that rant but we have gun control in the country i live in and there is no ban on guns, its just harder to get one. As a hunter you would need a hunter license and then get a gun license. We have military personell with AKs in their houses, they have a license! And of course they are controled every now and then for safty.

I dont see what the problem is?

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