Thread: Dfbhdmed?
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Old 06-23-2004, 09:26 PM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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Originally posted by xBravox
my computer automatically reboots when i run too many programs
i disable that part. it do it to many times i lose my place on what i was working on.

Originally posted by Steve
originally posted by Panther:
Computer reboots without warning?
Now this one is the worst one that I have been trying to figure out for a long long time. Each re-boot that my system does automatically takes more and more time to re-boot and will eventually get stuck at the loading screen and not be able to recover it.
This has happened to me many times. I found a way to stop the auto reboot, and figured out why it does it. The reason behind the 'auto reboot' is there is either a error in the OS,a small system failure or it's trying to protect your files. I turned this off because when it is on and reboots it crashes my OS and I end up reinstalling anyways. To turn this off go to Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Startup and Recovery. De-select Automatically restart. You computer will not 'auto reboot' any longer.
Originally posted by Panther
But, you will get a blue screen giving you the error, write down the error code, reboot your pc and go to and search for it, this will help you find out why it is rebooting. After you know why it's rebooting it will be easier to fix other then going insane trying 100's of things. I looked up my error code, it told me one of my sticks of ram was read only, of course I figured this out on the Microsoft search, replaced the ram and no more auto reboots.
essayer way:
right click-on "My Computer" see "properties" click-on it to open it up now see up top "Advanced tap" click-on it now look down the listing see Startup and Recovery you click-on setting, Midway down the left side you see [Box] automatically restart. "unchecked the box" you may have to restart your system after you click-on ok.
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Last edited by Hellfighter; 06-30-2004 at 04:23 AM.
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