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Old 06-22-2004, 02:19 AM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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i am sorry what i really understand it had to do with new site at lease thats what they said some time all go. it made it easier to lookup other players names to see their stats a plus it all so make it super easy to report on people who break the rules to nova. so in this way nova can monitor the servers on who play in them and handle members in their site (forum). think what got nova on the bandwagon with PB is the flaming wars in their forum about cheaters so in a way it push them to join-up with punkbuster. maybe that what it has to take to get them to let the hex name be using in the servers and member names.

the game log-in and are inter-lock you log-in both keep track of your stats and game time. i have Lw and have not play it over 90 days but i been playing BHD/TS a lot of and the DF: LW is still there to log-in only way i think this can be is the site is keeping track of my game log-in and saving my LW/TFD stats it has not been remove.

has for the bypass link if they do remove it i really think people will use the log-in and take better care of their account try not to get banned or remove. so log-in takes maybe 2-3min big deal i still go there and play it and have a good time its a game all should have fun.

best wishs to you all and have a great time playing the game what ever it be have a good time with game play.
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Last edited by Hellfighter; 06-22-2004 at 02:32 AM.
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