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Old 01-21-2002, 01:31 PM
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ok u got about 7 questions there and id say 5 come down to LAG!

i dont know if u know what lag is but its the time difference between the computers. soooooo...

"QuadMXRacer was killed" and i presume " QuadMXRacer is dead" is also a common one? this means u died cause of lag in your connection, if ur data gets too far out of the hosts data then u die, simple as that.

this will explain why u die without hearing anything to.

u die without u being able to see ppl? well people do like to hide and this is something u get used to is u play more regularly, u see the tiny of movements, you can also tell where ppl are by their gun noise. i think this is just a case of not enough games

shoot someone without them dying? thats lag usually, cause u see blood comming off them but according to the host computer they are not in the same spot u r shooting. this can be fixed by shooting infront of the player, you need to predict where they are going and shoot a few meters infront.

how can someone die only a few times? well this is just practice / the faster connection you have the better scores ppl tend to get cause they dont get much lag / natural skill / better computer. obvioulsy there is going to be better players than others, just like with everything in life.
also luck sometimes comes into it.

well cheating is a big problem in the whole DF series but a lot of ppl forget that this happens in EVERY game, quake, c&c, whatever. its a problem that cannot be stopped unfortunately either. however ppl who shout 'cheat' first are pl that get me annoyed. JUST CAUSE A PLAYER IS BETTER THAN U DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE A CHEAT!!! i wish more ppl would realise this. ive played many many many games of LW and i have only seen cheating 1 time. someone who kept jumping about 50m in the sky, but they ending up dying the most in the end lol, sad b****d.

ive never played stats games but i do believe cheating is worse in there. the cheat most ppl say about is auto aim where the person theoretically doesnt have to aim at anyone to kill them. but there is no auto aim cheats at all, they dont work ( AND NO I DIDNT TRY B4 ANYONE ASKS) .

most cheating players wont bother with public games so i reckon ur safe there.
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