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Old 05-06-2004, 06:32 PM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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To: Aseroth
you talking about me and a future wife of my that you seen going into a restaurant? boy you really know what is happing around the world lol

never been marry did come close 2x in my life, first one i goof-up on and the 2nd one die's off on me.

to: atholon

i do have my own rules; i go on a date
1.) they have to be single
2.) can not be marry at all to any one.
3.) they have no ties as in engage to any one or planes on getting marry to another.
4.) don't have many lovers as in a lot of them. must be free from any that there maybe.
5.) can't be to easy to pick up on. thats asking for trouble.
6.) live a clean good life not being a drug user at all. doc give you a drugs its ok. its the other thing outside that area is not cool.
7.) sexy looking is a plus, i am sorry any Lady's over 280lbs is out. its not going to happen.
8.) don't care about the time spent on the date as in it was a waste of time, i am gone not going to waste time with some one who knows it all. there no fun in that.

there more thing maybe 4more.

ok in my book if the women have children's it cool with me limit to 4 no more can't handle it over that, tins to loose it.

on a note:
If they have any burns or they are handycap in anyway shape or form it not a biggy. i can handle that. been out on many date with blind and handycap wheel chair people they are people and what happen to them is sad in a way. but i remember it could have been me and not them, we don't pick what happens to us into tomorror land it can turn bad for us all so don't limit them it could have been you and me a like. and don't look down on them they have feeling too.
* altnews sources [getmo & others news] not found main FNN:
*Discord: Unknown77#7121
Playing now days: EA Games> swtor [star wars old republic]

Last edited by Hellfighter; 05-06-2004 at 07:07 PM.
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