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(Old) 02-28-2003 06:41 PM closes for good
SSGWarHog Writes:

Today is a very sad day for the DF BHD has shut down for good. This decision was made becuase of flack devilsclaws received mostly I think because of his request for people not to remove his Master ADDON and host it to their site but to link it to his, which was his right-no matter what people thought.

The verbal abuse that he took and also I took was not called for, especially someone like DC who gave so much to this community.

Over 10,000 downloads of the Master ADDON in a months time was a feat which will never be seen again.

Devilsclaws does want to thank all his members and the sites who did support him-and only you know who you are.

To my firend devilsclaws we shall always be friends no matter what game you move in to .

Steve 02-28-2003 07:01 PM

he did some great work :gj:
it's a pity he has gone for sure.

if he colsed cause of flack then thats a bit daft IMHO.

why not let others host the file, spread the bandwidth and reduce costs?

are hits to a site really that important?

sorry i cannot think of another explination other than site hits.

Ice Cannon 02-28-2003 09:48 PM

It was good, I guess he got a bit of flack, due to the fact that his addon was 'hacking' the game in some peoples opinions?

Camouflage 02-28-2003 11:19 PM

Of course it was about site hits, but I feel for him because others have no right to make it available on their own site.

I can't stand mods like this though. It certainly caused a lot of problems throughout the community. I know many who have been turned off from buying BHD as they fear how easy this title is going to be able to be modded and hacked - I pretty much fall into that category too.

Bustin 03-01-2003 08:04 AM

Online play will be very restricted if people can mod at will. No one's files will match except for the people who only use the retail product.

DeDRAGE 03-01-2003 12:27 PM

Guys I wouldnt worry about that too much in the Full Version. As you are right there may be mods come out. Like it DFLW when EXP came out. But this Master Add On that devilsclaws made isnt something that has just been imported to the game. Its all in the files when you install the game. He simply opend them up. When the FV comes out they will already be open. I do agree that it sucked being able to go into a server that had the Master Add on without having to have it yourself. Oh well. FV around the corner are you ready I know I am LOL

Hellfighter 03-01-2003 10:30 PM

what i can under stand mostly has to do with the DF:BHD-Demo is i the only one that its seem to skip a lot ping not that bad but ever 5sec it acts like lag but its not ping 300-500 not that bad?

is there some other i can do make it better?
windows me, 3D-card GeForce 2mx/mx400.

all the other DF-Serials i play works great no trouble at all.

Steve 03-02-2003 06:38 AM

nothing u can do Chief, it's just the game net code - either bad or calculating erong.

i reckon it will be ok by the 25th ;)

=MOW= ØbÌïvîøñ 03-02-2003 01:14 PM

:(, i just cant belive it, He gave no signs of irratation before did he? I just loved his work, BHD wouldnt have been 1/4 as fun as it was with his MA. :(:(:(:(

Hellfighter 03-02-2003 10:43 PM


Originally posted by chief-ADFP
what i can under stand mostly has to do with the DF:BHD-Demo is i the only one that its seem to skip a lot ping not that bad but ever 5sec it acts like lag but its not ping 300-500 not that bad?

is there some other i can do make it better?
windows me, 3D-card GeForce 2mx/mx400.

all the other DF-Serials i play works great no trouble at all.

vidio setting is the demo were set up too high i lower them down to ether normal or low this did fix it up good no longer lags or skip a lot some of us we don't have the greats of #d-Cards/vidio card that is out there

Hellfighter 03-02-2003 10:52 PM


Originally posted by StevieB
he did some great work :gj:
it's a pity he has gone for sure.

if he colsed cause of flack then thats a bit daft IMHO.

why not let others host the file, spread the bandwidth and reduce costs?

are hits to a site really that important?

sorry i cannot think of another explination other than site hits.

i think it was he who needed all the fan fair for his addon he got greedy about it think he can get away with his host for all the bandwith that was being downloaded from his site *his site was going off and on alot for a bet he said it was something gone bad with his host i don't think so more like too much bandwith was being use you right about that he should let other site help to pass it on but nope and also some site's i under stand inside his forum he was having trouble with other site's leech on to his file that can hurt also.
yea he was getting flake from people about his addon but most part the bandwith and leeching that was going on got to him we all he nutso talking about us in a bad way but we can live with it.

Hellfighter 03-02-2003 10:56 PM

we all have nutso talking about us in a bad way but we can live with it


SSGWarHog 03-04-2003 07:39 PM

Master ADDON Thoughts
Hello guys--you all know or most know that I was the Moderator at devilsclaws site and I have read evey post which has been written, some I responded to when justified and some well did not. Mostly responded to assist people with issues they may have or had.

First off ICE Cannon you seem to be one of the most negative people with your posts around the community about devilslcaws and as a affiliate of I would consider that disrespectful and am working on removing you as an affilaite of like you we dont need nor want.
Oh by the way I heard you were kicked out of Oceanic League for Behaviour towards players & admins, also for forum hacking and deletion-- so your not so perfect I see.

Devilsclaws is a programmer and coder for and opened his site when shut for a few weeks moving to a new host etc. It happens that his release of the Master ADDON happened at the same time as his site opened.

In fact when the Beta 2 came out in its limited run people were already asking DC about the newest demo coming out if he was going to make the addon for that coming release.
From the release.
In fact we had the Master ADDON released the day after the latest release from Nova--which I think was a fantastic job to accomplish this.

When any thing new comes out people are going to have issues one way or another.. Point in mind the latest release form Nova people immediatley could not see buildings etc including myself. Nothing to do with Master ADDON, this was a graphics problem in the demo, how long did it take Nova to have Nvidia release a graphics patch--couple weeks.

Then came the the release of the All Weapons Patch made by Avenger, where people could have all weapons which were in the demo but not available to all. Now this casued problems--people who jumped on this had all the weapons and people who went into hosted CTF games did not and they complained about this.

Devilsclaws upon his release of the Master ADDON V1.0 allowed people to play all games formats whch was not included in the original demo, since Nova only included the SP and CTF game type- Now you could play DM, TDM etc which everyone wanted cause what did people post in the forums " I hate Nova only darn CTF again why " or this game sux cant see anything whats going on here" Again no issues caused by the Master ADDON.

Included which I feel today was an issue is that Devilsclaws included in the master addon the all weapons patch which at that time he thought was a great idea since why download 2 seperate files when 1 will do.

After the Master ADDON was released Viper wrote up a manual on how to correctly install the demo / master addon and yes the video patch and posted it on line so people who wanted to could save the url for future reference.

In respect to devilsclaws for only wishing to have the Master ADDON hosted at his site and our sister site that was his choice and site rules were posted above the chat at for people to see and read... but most people dont read or care to respect what was posted as site rules..DF-HQ here has site rules and just about everyone else does--I dont go around and remove something if is says do not remove other then for inidividual game play. Authoriztion was given to various sites who asked if they could list it on their site and would be happy to link it to

But to remove and host it for download on your squad site that most likely has site rules such as no cheating , post in forums without profanity these rules are there for you to follow if you respect your site.

Just so you know we had over 10,000 downloads actual downloads of the Master ADDON between and for populatiry but in able for anyone who downloaded it and had issues we were there to support it.

With all the servers hosting the master addon and listing the master addon in thier host name anyone who goes into these hosts and asks a ? in respect of why this and why that we tell them or the hosts says you need the MA go to DC site.

Finally just curious everyone who posted here were happy with just the CTF Nova released and still only play CTF ?

And also how many can tell me the last time a demo came out and lastest 6 months--NOT A SNGLE ONE but the BHD DEMO did thanks to sites like and

Mods are what keeps the games alive and all manufacturers know this, check out http://www.moddb.dom almost 800 mods for all games out here--so dont tell me mods are bad.
Whats bad and all the members who are against cheaters and complain about cheaters who are really the ones who are making this game bad and truning people off-not the Master ADDON.

Issue closed as far as I am concerned and when the final release comes out who knows were we will take the game.

Let the games begin and the cheaters beware

Hellfighter 03-05-2003 12:39 PM

man you really a nut case
1st off the all DF:BHD Demo stated they are a testing phase to work out the bug in it never ever did they say it was a full release now this last one is a full release and what did you all do hack it up by add in items that was never meant to be in it.

so in a way you all made it bad by making into a 3rd part software by redoing it so when new buyer like to try it out they see no buildens it has glitch's in it.they think they see cheaters using weapons that they don't have or can't get them some one tell them they have to download a "3rd part software" who never gave its ok to you all to do at all end of story!!!!!!!!!!!

remember these DF:BHD Demo from the start were all in testing phase by by god Who in god name gave you all the right to make update's or add-on to it. all new buyer see it say hey this DF:BHD Demo look like crape
who needs this b/s have to go to a 3rd party to update it so they have all the new items that are not released by like weapons/builden's i would think that has the right to do the change's to it not some lame hacker make it his owne way.

a hacker make trainer tools to make change's to game play.
so in a way by adding in weapons your socall devilclaw change it to his way and not the way release it man what a jerk 1st off states in their Rules No 3rd party item to be use at all.

your Devilclaw made a 3rd party items by making a 3rd party socall update you call it a "addon" what every your hurting sale hope you all get burn for it.

I for one dose support by having sale link on my web-site so it dose mater to me a lot i make money on the sale's it burn me when some one has to stick their hands into a Demo. only a buyer get it see glitch's builden's not there and think there are a lot of cheater's in the game demo using weapons that did not release out to use they going to trash the demo and not going to buy it at all if its not from stay away from it

Hellfighter 03-05-2003 12:52 PM

yep you got to flame some one here like get even with them
go fore it guy flame blackball them call them names remove them even call them a hacker i play with him a lot never i ever seen him cheat at all in the game area of DF-Serials not one time i seen him ether flame other players in the game area at all not one time he call them cheaters or flame them ether name calling at all hell he dose not even talk any at all about cheaters here seen him talk to other cool it down about them cheater its a game don't take it in a bad way i really hate it when some one has to make up lie's.Mr SSGWarHog ACG Head Counci
nice job you are showing your True Color lier!!
hey go one step more remove me from your Hacker site too i don't use your socall site anyway but i am a member of it too
i don't need to be a part of your goof up site like member like your class of lier's.

by:SSGWarHog ACG Head Counci Hello guys--you all know or most know that I was the Moderator at devilsclaws site and I have read evey post which has been written, some I responded to when justified and some well did not. Mostly responded to assist people with issues they may have or had.

First off ICE Cannon you seem to be one of the most negative people with your posts around the community about devilslcaws and as a affiliate of I would consider that disrespectful and am working on removing you as an affilaite of like you we dont need nor want.
Oh by the way I heard you were kicked out of Oceanic League for Behaviour towards players & admins, also for forum hacking and deletion-- so your not so perfect I see.

Camouflage 03-05-2003 04:00 PM

Re: Master ADDON Thoughts

Originally posted by SSGWarHog
First off ICE Cannon you seem to be one of the most negative people with your posts around the community about devilslcaws and as a affiliate of I would consider that disrespectful and am working on removing you as an affilaite of like you we dont need nor want.
Oh by the way I heard you were kicked out of Oceanic League for Behaviour towards players & admins, also for forum hacking and deletion-- so your not so perfect I see.

You're such a small minded persion. Let's assume Ice Cannon is a negetative person. What's that got to do with Ice is an invidiual and by no means should one indivdual make or break a sites affiliation with another unless one site is run and owned by a single person.

In regards to Oceanic League, you haven't referred to anyone. If you're taking to me, I never said I was perfect, but neither is this master addon and Oceanic League has some of the most biased, lieing scum I've ever run into on the face of this earth running it.

Chief's comments are spot on with regards to this mod and its affect on the community. I know several players who were extremely disappointed with BHD due to the mod. The designer had very poor vision while making it.

Play the game how it was meant to be played.

Scott 03-05-2003 04:12 PM

errr.. i sence this getting outa hand. No more threads about this please. Thread Closed.

Scott 03-06-2003 07:00 PM

re-opened, we will close it again if it starts getting outa hand.

Matt 03-06-2003 07:04 PM

This thread was re-opened by my request. I felt that there was an interesting discussion going on here. So please keep the flaming down and continue this conversation.

Matt 03-06-2003 07:09 PM

Chief, you say he didn't get NL permission to make this addon? Which is correct, but what program was made with NL's permission? Was the name editor, host editor, remote host, ect. Also, you know those wallpapers and screensavers you make? Do you have NL's permission to use their materials? Not being mean, nor flaming your work (cause its good), just making a point. :) I am 100% behind and what they did for the BHD community. I think they made BHD more interesting. Of course there were some flaws, but what doesn't have flaws?

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