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02-08-2014 07:43 PM

phAlbum Update
I've been experimenting with phAlbum and managed to add lightbox functionality. It's a great script, and does what it's supposed to, but in the age of multiple devices, it's responsiveness on different screens needs a little work.

Looking at the code, the display of thumbs etc is table based, with the choice to select how many thumbs are displayed horizontally. This is awesome for desktop and tablet screens, but it causes a few issues with mobiles etc.

I'm pretty good with html, but i'm a beginner when it comes to php, so trying to convert the tables to divs and css3 is so far beyond my abilities.

Any chance of an update in the future? or advice on modding the code to be responsive?

Thanks for you work!

angphc 12-27-2015 10:14 AM

phAlbum Fork
Hello, I know this is an old post, but if you're still interested
I've forked phAlbum with all table layouts removed.
I don't know if I can post links but you can search for
phAlbumLite in bitbucket repositories.
Best Regards

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