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JonM 09-04-2007 03:39 PM

I have an old computer...
I have an old computer that I'm thinking of throwing Apache onto, and making it into a webserver. This would be a great learning experience for my self, and I'm excited to get going.

Couple of questions:

Sites that could help me do this (i.e. tutorials or help forums)? I just want to know of a couple if you know of some.

Could I keep my Windows XP on it for the time being, or should I install some form of linux?

IcIshoot 09-04-2007 05:01 PM

You can use apache on windows XP.

Its pretty easy to get one running right out of the box:

If you use a system like XAMPP it will install apache, php, mysql for you. Only problem is that it isn't as secure right out of the box (ie, mysql root doesn't have any passwords).

I have been able to do most of the configureing of apache and mysql just by using the documentation on their respective websites.

Other then that the best resource I can recommend is google :D

tail_gunner 09-04-2007 07:36 PM

try easyphp and also scott wrote up a tut on it for me a while ago. Ill search for it and post it back here

tail_gunner 09-04-2007 07:40 PM -scott's tut

IcIshoot 09-04-2007 07:53 PM

you have to be careful with some of those "package deals" - at least if the server is going to be available on the internet - the ones I have seen are designed for developers and thus have normal secruity features turned off - such as a password on mysql root.

And the package deals won't help you learn as much about apache if you want to learn it - nothing helps you learn it as having to do it :D

If you don't want to learn it and just want a webserver - get abyse x1. It has a nice control panel, easy to setup (had a slight difficulty getting php going - but I managed with the help of their website) - and supports if you want to getinto that.

I use it for my squad stats and it is great :D - Didn't have time to try and make sure apache was secure enough lol


JonM 09-05-2007 12:40 AM

XXAMP might be what I need, I'll look it up tomorrow in computer class, but any quick ideas to how secure it is. Since my computer might be set up on a network with the others, I can't have a huge security flaw.

IcIshoot 09-05-2007 08:18 AM

I think xxamp is the one where there isn't any passwords for the mysql database root user.

JonM 09-05-2007 04:30 PM


Originally posted by icishoot
I think xxamp is the one where there isn't any passwords for the mysql database root user.
but i could set one couldn't i? Oh and just so you all know, i'm super excited to start this project out. i have a decent internet speed so if this works decently i may not have to buy hosting (at least until i'm getting quite a bit of hits--if!). I may also just go at it completely and set up LAMP. My step dad works for Novell, working primarily with clustered networks. He works around in multiple languages, he's a jerk for being so smart. So I'm sure he can help me along the way.

IcIshoot 09-05-2007 04:37 PM

oh yes - you can set the passwords and all - and with your step dad there to help I'm sure you will do fine :D


JonM 09-05-2007 04:45 PM


Originally posted by icishoot
oh yes - you can set the passwords and all - and with your step dad there to help I'm sure you will do fine :D


After I'm all set up could I buy a domain, and have it land on my server? That'd be pretty much bad ass haha.

SilentTrigger 09-06-2007 10:31 AM

Yes you can, use "bind", quite easy to get it working :)

I have done it on XP aswell so it works. Here's interesting reading of how DNS should be setup to be compliant to RFC. :D

I have just had issues with novell and Siemens Step 7 so I'm fairly annoyed, but then again it can be the crappy IT support department we have. I could do everything alot better then the support department without any Step 7 issues! It is most likley our support that is the issue, we pay alot for nothing, all they do is make everything worse! :(

IcIshoot 09-06-2007 11:23 AM

You don't have to use bind - though it is an option...

I just register my domain then in my DNS settings point it to my IP address.

If you have a dynamic IP address, then companies like offer dynamic updating of your IP - you run a little client program that monitors your IP, checks about every 10 min or so - when it changes it automatically notifies your DNS provider and updates the info is $35/year if you want to use the dynamic IP updating.

If you don't need that service (either static IP or it changes so little that manually updating it wont' be an issue) then any domain register that gives you control over the DNS zone fields will work... I use ($8.95 registration fee for domains).

I currently do this with my game server - configured the dns info for to forward to my game server IP - you go to it and you would never know it was being forwarded :D (game server has static IP)

Seems to me if your running bind, you still need a domain pointing to your computer so that it can resolve correctly - how else will the other DNS servers know where your DNS server is to resolve your domain name?

Scott 09-06-2007 02:33 PM


Originally posted by JonM
After I'm all set up could I buy a domain, and have it land on my server? That'd be pretty much bad ass haha.
That's what we do here :D Novahq's server is my foot rest. hehe

JonM 09-07-2007 05:08 PM

Replying on my beautiful OpenSuse computer (Novell's version of linux). Excited to start setting up the site. Already got it LAMP, with ruby on rails and all that. Just gonna finish an opening page, and get back on my regular computer. will post link soon :).

JonM 09-08-2007 01:31 AM

Well after a few head aches and whimperings lol, i gave up. I'll go back at it tomorrow. something weird is going on with whatever files i save with any of the editors. i'm gonna do all the scripts on vista, and send it to my server that way i guess.

SilentTrigger 09-11-2007 08:02 AM


Originally posted by icishoot
You don't have to use bind - though it is an option...

I just register my domain then in my DNS settings point it to my IP address.

If you have a dynamic IP address, then companies like offer dynamic updating of your IP - you run a little client program that monitors your IP, checks about every 10 min or so - when it changes it automatically notifies your DNS provider and updates the info is $35/year if you want to use the dynamic IP updating.

If you don't need that service (either static IP or it changes so little that manually updating it wont' be an issue) then any domain register that gives you control over the DNS zone fields will work... I use ($8.95 registration fee for domains).

I currently do this with my game server - configured the dns info for to forward to my game server IP - you go to it and you would never know it was being forwarded :D (game server has static IP)

Seems to me if your running bind, you still need a domain pointing to your computer so that it can resolve correctly - how else will the other DNS servers know where your DNS server is to resolve your domain name?

I used bind (and still use on my linux server) to get more control of my domain name. BIND is a DNS server, it will talk to the root servers ( The root servers is what DNS is, thats where all information is stored, all other computers (dns servers included) check for updated information and also pass information along that will later be passed down to other local DNS servers.

You point the domain to the dns servers IP (your local IP in the case of your own DNS server) BIND will listen to this address and all inquieries will be taken to the DNS server through the port that BIND listen to, then relay the information in their files to the Root servers. When someone put in the domain in their browser their ISP will make an inquiery of their local DNS information, if the information does not exist, it will gather new information from the Root servers (that is always up to date with latest information), this update from the root servers is however timed hence why the "It might take up to 24 hours before your domain name has propogated over the internet." And this is why you can't always access the new domain instantly.

All local DNS servers also send information at a timed moment (say every hour) and is also a reason for the "It might take up to 24 hours before your domain name has propogated over the internet" ;)

A priceless site for checking how and if a domain name is setup correctly is to go to

With BIND you take the control from the domain name registar and bring that control to your own server :) (more or less ;))

For example is located in Stockholm, Sweden

IcIshoot 09-11-2007 12:11 PM

yep - I played with bind once.

My register gives me control over the dns settings - maybe not all of them, but enough :D


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