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Assassin Xaero 01-23-2006 03:53 PM

Map Comments
It would benefit everyone if you (especially staff raters or whatever you call them here) would comment on the map telling what to fix/improve and/or why you rated it what you did.

Trojan 01-23-2006 04:04 PM

Do you realize we have thousands upon thousands of maps for more than a half dozen games? We do not have the time to install every map and review them. We do however have an option for the users to leave a comment. Have you downloaded any maps here and left comments to the map maker or the general public to read? We have an awesome system that does not need to be improved upon at this time. We leave the responsibility to our community to benefit from his or her peers on this matter. Thank you for using NHQ services. Good day!

Assassin Xaero 01-23-2006 08:06 PM

I don't download and rate maps here sence its my job to do it at DFB. I submitted a map here and it took 3 days to get on here and it got a 3/5. I would atleast like to know why it got that incase there is anything I need to fix in it.

Matt 01-23-2006 08:58 PM

we rate our maps by screen shots, an explanation to our ratings can be found [here]. we do our best to examine the screen shots and give it the best possible rating.

we are open to suggestions on how to improve our system. the only suggestions that have been brought up is downloading each individual map, and examining it for 5-10 minutes. which we all know isn't physically possible due to the fact of the number of maps we get per day. on top that not all the administrators have each and every NL based game installed on their computers.

but we are more than happy to listen if u have some sort of idea :)

Assassin Xaero 01-24-2006 03:40 PM

You cant possibly tell all that stuff thats on 5, 4, and 3 stars by only the screenshot. I've seen maps with awesome screenshots, but the map sucked. Sometimes, like in sp maps, there isn't a good place to take a screenshot.

All I would do is just look over the map for major errors (flashing walls, floors, floating objects, etc.), then just say why you rated the map what you did. For example you gave a map a 3/5 because the map was built good but there was some minor flashing and a few gaps in walls, or something like that.

Troy 01-24-2006 04:02 PM

We've talked about picking up some map reviewers for staff but never followed through with it. Us 5 Admins have our hands full. We've had less than a handful of complaints about our system. Only people that weren't rated to thier own belief have complained. Very few. This is a very free and large operation we have here. Each map uploaded has information and a screenshot provided by the map maker. We use our judgement based on this. Therefor our map submitters take the best screen they can to give us Admin an overview and thier comments on thier work is taken into consideration. Like I said, less than a handful of complaints. But I suspect people from other sites would love to find flaws in NHQ's grand operation to exploit us. Not assuming you are being with DFB and all but I can see it happening and come to think of it some of the complaints we did recieve prolly come from map makers that think too highly of themselves or the site they work for. Maps here are only one staple in our Community. We can always improve but we have priorities and an agenda. We continue to strive on a daily basis. Like Trilogy said, your opinion and comments are welcome and we will listen. Thank you!

Matt 01-24-2006 09:47 PM

Which again presents the problem of not all of us having each DF title installed on our computers. I for one don't play games online I don't have anything installed.

The time issue also comes into question, I for one am a full time student, work one full time job, and one part time job, and trying to balance a social life on top of that. I know the others guys also have a very full plate with work, school, and families. We'll do our best to think of a bestter system.

Lakie 01-25-2006 05:55 AM

I think that the answer to this is too somehow encourage more user ratings and comments....

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