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Stalker61 12-15-2004 09:29 PM

Don't sky dive near an Airport!
Or this will happen to you!!!!!!!!!!

Hellfighter 12-15-2004 10:36 PM

man thats really is sad, will that said any hambugers left to eat?

BADDOG 12-16-2004 10:55 AM

Oh lol lol nasty Stalker but funeeeee:)!!!!

Warm Regards & Seasons Greetings:)!!!!

:p :p :p :p
:) :) :) :)
:D :D :D :D

Storm. 12-16-2004 04:32 PM

lol u can tell straight away it isnt real, it wud look DEAD funny tho if it looked a slight bit more real, neverthe less still good, :p :lol:

bigsmellyfart 12-16-2004 05:42 PM


Originally posted by ux*storm
lol u can tell straight away it isnt real, it wud look DEAD funny tho if it looked a slight bit more real, neverthe less still good, :p :lol:

He's right if it were real at that rpm damaged engine parts would fly appart piercing the fuselage Horrobly decapatating the little 4 year old girl sitting in that seat while her mother screaches in horror followed by the aircraft exploding like a pricked balloon...

-Tigger- 12-16-2004 07:14 PM

Nasty... wouldnt just be the sky diver who would be dead afterwards, as bigsmellyfart the plane wouldnt get far either.. but the plane would still be able 2 maintain power since it has 4 engines the power can be balanced :)..

bigsmellyfart 12-16-2004 11:06 PM


Originally posted by BB
Nasty... wouldnt just be the sky diver who would be dead afterwards, as bigsmellyfart the plane wouldnt get far either.. but the plane would still be able 2 maintain power since it has 4 engines the power can be balanced :)..

yea if the engine just simply quit your right but at the rpm of the rotors fan blades it would destroy the engine breaking just one blade it would case more damage and the fan would be off ballance and then fly appart slinging fan blades everywhere sliceing thru passengers etc in only fractions of a second the the pilots would not have time to react.. i just wanted to make yall feel sorry for the poor little girl...its happend before...

Hellfighter 12-16-2004 11:55 PM

was watching TV seen them talking about the jet engines and what it look after a bird ran right into the blades man it did a lot of damage to it, not to count what a sky diver body would do to it. million of dollars in damages to it. bit the jet engines was totally wasted.

i was looking at the jet engine to the back of it look like a ghost of the guy see his head or what there is of it. look like a face there

VooDoo- 12-16-2004 11:58 PM

lol bigsmellyfart is mocking cheif then he post something like that...

Hellfighter 12-17-2004 12:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
look at attachment if you don't see what i seeing in it.

Lakie 12-17-2004 12:04 AM

now the topic has gotton serious...

Are a jets engines running at full speed at 9000ft or so, which i think is about the maximum height you can reasonabely open a parachute. I know that some planes are designed to cope with a engine intaking a foreign object at low (comparitevily compaered to cruising) altitudes incase....

.enfo. 12-17-2004 01:38 AM

this is just meant to be a joke, if planes will keep going when something that big is chomped up in it, must be one hell of a plane
i mean if a small bird can take down a plane, amagine what a full grown man can do to it
and no cheif i dont see it..

Stalker61 12-17-2004 08:50 AM

Guys this is a joke............

bigsmellyfart 12-17-2004 03:33 PM

believe it or not there was a thing like this happen bird damaged a jet engine and a blade ripped thru the plane
killed a passenger but the plane landed safely

bigsmellyfart 12-17-2004 03:34 PM


Originally posted by enfo KI
this is just meant to be a joke, if planes will keep going when something that big is chomped up in it, must be one hell of a plane
i mean if a small bird can take down a plane, amagine what a full grown man can do to it
and no cheif i dont see it..

love your ET emote

Lucky 12-17-2004 03:39 PM

i see it chief

Lucky 12-17-2004 03:39 PM

oopise duble postie

Hellfighter 12-18-2004 10:21 PM

you can see him laying down his head to the rear of the jet engine sticking out some shoulder up, you can make out hair, eyes, and a mouth really faded out some. he seem tobe looking side ways a bet as if he looking at the person taken the pic of it all.

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