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bobsm8 04-01-2004 03:19 PM

Here we go :(
the demo aint been out a day and look already..:( just thought id let ya know what we in for when the final version is released :( reply was more through anger at the fact the cheats are out soo bloomin early..surely its time nova did something constructive to stop em all..:(

edit = ive emailed novalogic..lets see if they can find summat to combat these cheats eh..or at least give us something to stop em entering our servers :)

Human_Shield*f 04-01-2004 05:20 PM

lets HOPE so bob :(

Matt 04-01-2004 06:02 PM

what exactly were the what were they doing? were they actually cheating or just talking like they were?

Hellfighter 04-01-2004 07:04 PM

I* agreeed look like they are only saying they are cheating, were is it stated what cheats they are doing in it if any?

you need to be more clear on it. what areb they doing? walking thru walls, speeding or what we all can talk B/s all day long means no then at all.

Steve 04-01-2004 07:08 PM

u can be pretty damn sure SlayeR was really cheating.

bobsm8 04-02-2004 12:24 PM

slayer was invisdible to me and i was on his side..all i could see (not all the time but some of it..) was his name tag obviously the enemy couldnt see him..i was an "unlaiden medic" and whatever he was he out ran me easily :( also l8r in the day his m8 Teoma or whatever came into the same server i and some team mates were on moaning it was laggy and the game was "sh*t" ..i said "oh dear cant you play without any cheats..youll have to the codes out quick" or something very simular..he left 2mins after....anyways i recieved this today from nova..

"Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for contacting Novalogic Technical Support.

Thank you for your information on the problem, it has been logged.

Please be sure to delete all previous correspondence when replying. This will help us to process your response in a more timely and efficient manner."

Kind Regards,
Novalogic Technical Support

i doubt they even looked at the link i sent em ..

yep i agree ithat some people do BS and like to look sbig or whatever in front of others with regard to creating cheats/hacks..ive been on df games since df2 and gone through the lot of them and have NEVER called anyone or posted a topic like this without actually seeing em with my own eyes..i take any comments people make with a pinch of salt and wait until i see it/them myself...yes i was stupid and shoulda got a S/shot of him invisible i spose..then again when right in front of me wouldnt or couldnt his excuse be "i was behind a hill" ? how do you screenshot a speeder? assuming StevieB knows of this guy anyway by his comments and if so even without the screenshots all i can say is if you play the game just wait till he joins a server your in ..unfortunately i wont be in the same one as him very long..i understand your not having a go at me and only stating the obvious "shoulda got a Screenie" at the time i didnt actually believe it myself and honestly thought perhaps it was a glitch or summat my end (the invisiblity) but then to see him whizz off into the distance at almost twice my meds capability i was convinced..anyways point taken and ill rememebr if i ever get the chance again ..:) i do hope nova attempt something to stop these n00bs/pains in the ass etc...oh 1 more thing guys..someone do a tutorial on how to change the default name in the nova games please if mongoose and new werent bad enough we're now going to be plagued by "Wombat"s lol..

E.Valencia 04-02-2004 12:37 PM

lol man cheaters these days .... every where u go u c a cheater..... THEY'VE TAKIN OVER!!!! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII HELP US!

Hellfighter 04-02-2004 11:01 PM

if they disable the skin part of it think it may fix it.

but if a hacker get their hands on something they rip it up why they hate game play totally lamo hackers who hack up a game software yea right big deal game software, that no then at all, see them try to hack into something bigger were them socall big boys get it on.

Game hackers make cheaters tools and hackup software and get a cheap luaghout of it all. i hope their system fire real fast

V99 04-03-2004 03:26 AM

yea today I have seen tons of cheat talks :(

Sazza 04-13-2004 02:22 PM

And I tought I found a great game---again. SlayeR and Tacoma and the rest of the cheaters..having fun? are the victorys sweet? Mine are.

HonkyTonkFX 04-13-2004 08:11 PM


Originally posted by Steve
u can be pretty damn sure SlayeR was really cheating.
How do you know this. Do you know him, or have u see him cheat in BHD or JO??

GrimReaper{BA} 04-13-2004 09:33 PM


Cody 7 04-17-2004 01:28 PM



Hellfighter 04-17-2004 08:11 PM


Originally posted by GrimReaper{BA}

Major Features in PunkBuster™
(some editions of PunkBuster™ do not have all of these features)

Real-time scanning of memory by PB Client on players' computers searching for known hacks/cheats
Throttled two-tiered background auto-update system using multiple Internet Master Servers to provide end-user security ensuring that no false or corrupted updates can be installed on players' computers
Frequent status reports (highly encrypted) are sent to the PB Server by all players and the PB Server raises a violation when necessary which causes the offending player to be removed from the game and all other players are informed of the violation
PB Admins can also manually remove players from the game for a specified number of minutes or permanently ban if desired
PB Servers can optionally be configured to randomly check player settings looking for known exploits of the game engine
PB Admins can request actual screenshot samples from specific players and/or can configure the PB Server to randomly grab screenshot samples from players during gameplay
An optional "bad name" facility is provided so that PB Admins can prevent players from using offensive player names containing unwanted profanity or racial slurs
Search functions are provided for PB Admins who wish to search player's keybindings and scripts for anything that may be known to exploit the game
The PunkBuster™ Player Power facility can be configured to allow players to self-administer game servers when the Server Administrator is not present entirely without the need for passwords
PB Servers have an optional built-in mini http web server interface that allows the game server to be remotely administered via a web browser from anywhere over the Internet

don't say what the cost would be? and NL & NW has been ask to use their service for a long time and they still turn it down

Hellfighter 04-22-2004 04:05 AM

will glad they added in Punk-buster to JO wish they got smart about it for BHD & BHD/TS

in the tomorrow land we can play on-line game by tele-porting into use the brain wave it pump the info and take info into the on-line game area you will really feel pain broken bones and you feel weak do to lost of blood and running long ways out you feel weaker longer you run with heavy gear you carrying on you. hurting from rounds hitting you. not to talk about your head being shot off maybe a broken neck feeling. can you see this 50 years all go who would think we be doing this today playing together on the telephone line (using any type of wiring cable/modem/ADSL..ect) gaming internets areas it was only a dream in them Scifi-books.

2004 this year
__-50 years all go
1954 it was only a dream then.

GrimReaper{BA} 04-25-2004 05:39 AM

lol i new that NL was going to do something

Hellfighter 04-27-2004 12:35 AM


Originally posted by GrimReaper{BA}
lol i know that NL was going to do something
will i hope your right about that be great to see

bobsm8 04-27-2004 06:41 AM

if they do use PB then at least SOME less than able cheat users will be stopped although like most things the makers of such programs regard any anti cheat program a challenge to get around..:( but at least theres a little hope appearing on the horizon finally :)

AK47Killer 05-15-2004 11:23 AM

Agrrrg wish those cheaters would just go away, it is really no fun they should just play the game normally.

BADDOG 05-18-2004 03:18 AM

Doesn't it make you want to puke???? A new game and this carp is happening already!!!!

Regards:mad: :confused:

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