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Eagle_Eye 05-28-2005 03:08 AM

DF:X Med Missing Med Pictures for Download
Click on the link below to download 214 med pics for the DF:X Med with Installer.

Link Below..

DF:Xtreme Med Pictures for the DF:X med

I did forget to do the People..I'll add a separate download when I do those..

Pather, Steve, Mike or whoever..feel free to post as a download at NovaHQ if required..


Steve 05-28-2005 05:01 AM

gj :gj:

Lakie 05-28-2005 06:17 AM

poor eagle, everytime he posts we all see his thread and go "cool" and forget to move em...

atholon 05-28-2005 10:10 AM

Nice! That will help a lot!

Steve 05-28-2005 10:31 AM

i just installed it, it runs the .bat and it gives me a message that it will not run without the med.pff then it does something.

my dfx folder now has 214 pcx images in it :/ was that supposed to happen? or are they supposed to be in their own folder, cause it's kinda messy.

Steve 05-28-2005 10:34 AM

by the look of the bat file i guess something went wrong


@echo off
if not exist med.pff goto nopackfile
for %%f in ( *.pcx) do .\pack .\med.pff %%f /FORCE
for %%f in ( *.pcx) do del %%f
goto complete
echo This program cannot be run without the med.pff file
echo Please make sure that you put these files in your DF:Extreme
echo install directory..
goto end
echo All files have been succesfully packed - installation Complete.
echo If you like this batch file,  feel free to make a small donation to
echo support your site...

so what did i do wrong? :/
and why does it dump all the pcx files in the dfx folder?

Steve 05-28-2005 10:42 AM

ok i ran the .bat again and it added all the files to the med.pff

sry, there is nothing telling me i need to run the .bat after i have ran the .exe that i can see

Sal UK 05-28-2005 11:24 AM

Nice Job EE...... :gj:

Iceman55 05-28-2005 10:01 PM

It worked fine for me and it will help a lot ...Can't wait until yuo add the

Next udate I


Unregistered 05-29-2005 02:45 AM

I've just been over there to download it and am told that I'm not allowed to link from other sites and was refused. So I thought, oh well I'll register then, only to find the same message after doing so. So I can't download it, does anyone know why?

miaebow 05-29-2005 02:50 AM

Unregistered was me, I cleared my cookies out and forgot to sign back in. lol

Lucky 05-29-2005 08:55 AM

turn off your firewall that does it too

UCMJ 05-29-2005 07:14 PM

Nice but I have a ?
After I install this it will show all the pics if I use that item while making a map will the person that downloads the map have to have the pics installed as well? Good Job EE!

Trojan 05-29-2005 07:52 PM

Dude, tell Bullet he is a wanted man!

TH-KF- 05-30-2005 01:47 AM

Goodjob m8 :D

Eagle_Eye 05-30-2005 02:13 AM has an installer mate..what it does is this..

Unzips 214 med pics, and a bat file to your selected DFX install

looks for the med.pff..if it can't find it, it stops..but it leaves the pcx files there..I suppose I should rewrite the bat so it deletes the files again if the med.pff is not present..

If it finds the med.pff, then itpacks all the pcx files, then deletes them..

If yours didn't pack, then you didn't have a med.pff file in your directory.

You found that out..LOL..

It's not a real good installer, but I'm not a programmer, lust a it will have to suffice for now..


Eagle_Eye 05-30-2005 02:19 AM

Oh..the bat file should run by itself wwhen you run the installer..that's what told you there was no med.pff file present Steve..

So, it did run..but for some reason didn't find your med.pff..

To miaebow, you don't need to be registered to's your firewall causing the problem as stated by Living..

Trojan, when I find him..I'll let him know..LOL..


Steve 05-30-2005 05:00 AM

the med.pff file was definately there, because i ran the bat file just after and it found it.

all the pcx files were dumped in the DFX install folder so i know i pointed it int he right place.

i cant figure out why it wouldnt work straight off. seeing as noone else has a prob then nps :)

Unregistered 06-07-2005 07:27 PM

anyone know how to get out of the abandoned ruins on Delta ops

Unregistered 06-07-2005 07:29 PM

Delta Ops
Anyone know how to get out of the Abandoned ruins on the Delta Ops game ? Please if so send reply to


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