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Steve 06-26-2004 04:47 PM

Played Joint Ops full version? tell us about it!
any chance of some mini or large reviews of Joint Operations?
I know a lot of ppl like to see what other ppl think about games before they buy.

we would love to hear what you like/dislike about the game and give it a rating out of 10.

if it is a decent length then i'll stick it in our reviews section on the main page, post about your review in the main news and make you famous ;) :cool:

email reviews to

big thanks in advance.

Scorpion101 06-27-2004 04:40 PM

Sent ya one Stevie.


Steve 06-27-2004 05:16 PM

wow very nice m8 :gj:
will get it on the site now :)
score out of 10 please :)

Scorpion101 06-27-2004 06:52 PM

Sorry Stevie, forgot about that.

I think a 9/10, just because I know there are going to be updates (after the one we just had), and that fact that it didn't come with a MED, which is pretty much a must have in these games. They dropped the ball with that.


Steve 06-28-2004 04:43 AM

yo Scorp

i just added the review -

it auto says the autour as me because i submitted it so i added your name in the title of the review. sry there is no other way i can do it right now but hope that's ok with you.

big thanks for doing that for us. :gj:

anyone else think they can do what Scorp has done? emails to me please :)

Hellfighter 07-28-2004 03:18 AM

Found some commands codes to use really don't know what some of them are but most are normal one we know mostly of:
Command codes JOTR:

think the bozo option is in there some place did not see it at this time have to test it out to see if it works still

still fine tuning the game JOTR some so fps is not that bad on my end of it got it between 4-25fps at this time.

-Tigger- 07-28-2004 03:51 AM

What graphics card u got chief..?

teej 07-28-2004 04:09 AM

it is addicting is like lw addicting lol...i wish there was more ground combat b/c the guns are good...also the downpart is the maps are so big that some maps take like 20min to get to 1 side to the other...overall i give it a 6/10....its a fun game but nova should of stuck to nova type games :gj:

Hellfighter 08-12-2004 03:30 AM

it totally bad no good at all.
i am really tick-off on this JOTR Retail to a point almost going to flame about it. it crash my system 3x and Microsoft get the error report on was sent out to them and lockup big time. play it about 12x in that time it has not work good at all. to night i play it some what fair till it lockup and crash the system like crazy the my avast! Antivirus no longer working at all do to the darn crashes it did. and yes it was JOTR that made it crash the error report stated it as so.

i ran Scan-disk it fix all the errors that JOTR did when it lockup my system & crash it.

chkdsk /f short scan (1-3 steps)
chkdsk /r through scan (1-5 steps)

teej 08-12-2004 05:57 AM

its ok im horrible at jo also

Hellfighter 08-12-2004 07:41 AM

will it working ok for last hour i got out of it before i posted this one up. who knows it acted up. don't know the reason for what it did all i know mircosoft does know of it and they will get hold of nova about the error.

Storm. 08-12-2004 04:53 PM

8/10 when u go underwater in a jeep (although it dusnt stay alive for long) u can shoot the 50 cal underwater and kill people :S and u cn glitch 5.5 tonne trucks in the backs f chinooks, and fly helis thru hanger roofs, as well as dock slabs, and my fps normally run about 50 + is that any good?

WaR-AmP 08-23-2004 12:23 PM

I personally loved it.
The first time I played it was at a cyber cafe with 3 of my buddys so we were always "helicopter pooling"

The 100 man servers are a big plus.

I know Im going to critisized for this, but I think the game is TOO sniper friendly.

VooDoo- 09-03-2004 06:33 PM

they should do something about the snipers....they always ****ing camp the helis when u get in em

-Tigger- 09-03-2004 07:00 PM

thing about JO is its realistic.. in BHD u had the help of no cover for snipers... in JO a sniper can hide in a duh and not be seen (happens in real life) people wanted realism and they got it now they dont like it :(

ghillie 09-30-2004 05:50 AM

I have been playing JO for about a month now and can honestly say that I am well and truely hooked. I do have the advantage that my PC is massive (its a 3.4 gig p4 etc etc etc) so I have no problems running the game. Some of the maps are huge with 64, 100 or 150 people on any one map at any time. This is good for beginners as you can get the feel of the game without compromising your team too much while you get used to the weapons, vehicles, aircraft, boats and the general layout of the maps. The stock maps do repeat themselves, but not too often so they bore you, so the more you play the better you get at navigating your way around. However, they are big enough for any player to spend hours on the same map and still get enjoyment from playing.
My biggest complaint about the game is the players who seem to get pleasure from base raping in sniper mode, although you could say that this is a player complaint and not a game complaint. I cannot see the point in this, especially on TKOTH when the idea is to BE the king of the hill not how many people you can kill at the respawn point.
I have recently started playing on private servers, namely UKO-Squad which is pretty much dedicated to TKOTH ( You may have guessed that this is my favourite game). This is a well run but fun server and the maps are not so big, mainly because on TKOTH the idea is that the games are short( usually 30-40 mins) fast and furious. There are also many more servers to choose from..... COOP (cooperative), AS (advance and secure) TDM (team deathmatch). I have found that the private servers seem to have more fun maps, but please don't think that this is taking anything away from the Nova maps. This is just a personal opinion.
I have found that team work is essential. Yes it is nice to see your name at the top of the pile after a game, but for those players who know the game well, this means nothing. It is a team game and the winning team are all winners. The reason behind this?? Lets start with the MEDS, they run round like crazy medding as many players as they can, which means if you are in a zone or defending a position you can stay where you are without having to try and fight your way back in again. Thier kill ratio isn't great, but in my opinion they are the most important players in any battle.
Next you have the GUNNERS, laying down supressing fire to cover your team mates is not a particularily glamorous job and gets very little recognision, which is probably why you get very few gunners on a game, but nontheless it is still an important role.
RIFLEMAN, probably the most popular role (my usual role). Why? I dont know. I think it must be because it could be the most fun and you get most of the glory. You are not to heavy (GUNNERS and ENGINEERS have a heavy encumbrance) the weapons are pretty good plus you get a secondry weapon, the AT4 is a popular choice.
ENGINEERS, again, an important part of the team but with little recognition. The stinger is an awesome backup weapon when you are moving forward and at the same time getting attacked by helicopters. Also they can use mortars which is a good clearing weapon before moving into a zone.
SNIPERS, not my favourite role but snipers are usually very patient calm people and can give the team good backup from a distance, and when the opposing side know that there are snipers about they tend to be a little more cautious.
So you see the importance of a well balanced team can make all the difference, and a squad that works together well will win many many games over a team with little coordination.
The summary to this is that I would reccomend Joint Ops to any person who likes a shootem up game, strategy games or just likes to have a laugh with a few mates. In one word.............. can't say it with one word, which hopefully speaks volumes for this outstnding game.

BADDOG 09-20-2005 09:47 AM

I wasn't to keen on J.O. when it first came out but now I'm addicted to it! An all round excellent game from Novalogic....well done guys:)!!!!

Regards :) :) :) :) :) :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj:

cable 12-21-2005 03:16 AM

After the latest patch i like Jo/Esc muchmore, it is also much better then bhd, and yes also becasue of the cover for snipers, but do not forget pb, we have far less cheaters in jo !!!

army ranger 03-15-2006 11:28 PM


Hellfighter 03-16-2006 07:26 AM

i have not even try it at all, after the last update i totally gave up on it, over all its to me is 4/10 in my book.

DF? Xtreme like to say it a 7/10 as will.

i am on a dailup modem anti-lag cheat they are using is killing me. i can't lag-cheat if i like to, 1sec off line i got to reconnect and log-in NW.

JOTR-Serials and DF: Xtreme both lame for dailup users don't buy! you been warn lol i buy them for one main reason i like the New games! but don't mean I'm a lover of them newer type ether.

way i feel about novqalogic, inc right now if i had stock and going to buy some, it would not be novalogic, inc it maybe Dice AE if anything. sorry their games don't standout like the others do

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