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Deadman1968 06-12-2009 09:55 AM

Putting together Custom Maps
I thought I'd start a topic of any problems anyone has come across while putting together a map for DFX 2. I've downloaded almost all of the maps I've seen here and on other sites to get an opportunity to see what others are trying to do with their creations. For the most part what I've seen is the alligning of objects so they fit the terrains placed on. Floating objects seems to be one of the most common problems visible so far. I've been working on my first DFX 2 map and probably should have had it finished a few days ago, but I keep going in for visiual checks to catch the floaters before moving on. Time consuming but I hope the extra effort will end up being worth it with a map with little or no glitches like that. What have you come across? I'll be interested to hear what others have found.

Steve 06-12-2009 11:13 AM

^ definately worth the extra effort Deadman.

are there more floaters than you've seen in the previous games/dfx? i would think some people have rushed out a few maps with it being a new game but I can't imagine there much changed from the previous Med?

~BLÃÐE~ 06-13-2009 10:00 PM

Steve the Med is the same one from DFX v2.60
Same functions as DFLW MedEd,
(i updated the med.pff with the missing image >>HERE<<

The floating objects is due to new map makers wanting to pump the first maps out. Due to the terrains supplied it takes a little more effort as there isn't many flat areas, again depending on what your trying to achieve.

I got a few started but not finish, as Deadman1968 said trying to work out what other want to see as well as making it playable/interesting/workable.

Some screen shots what ive done so far, if other like ill finish a bit quicker lol.

Indo Vally 01
Indo Vally 02

Klong River 01
Klong River 02

Rocket 01

LXS-Screamin 06-17-2009 12:11 PM

Yeah, I'm not sure if it will help you any but I have been using JO's N.I.L.E to make DFX2 maps. With the 3d editor you can save yourself of getting in the map and finding whats wrong. You can edit everything in the 3d view also so I find it a lot easier. My only piece of advice if you use it is save very often. I don't know if it's because I'm using it with DFX2 or because of vista but it has a tendency to crash often.

cjbrodey 07-15-2009 02:05 PM

I tried out the DFX2 (after a moving on to other things for over a year,) and it was good to play some new novalogic again. I couldnt wait to get back into the maped and make some more maps. I guess have made aproximatly 50 or so maps with DFX and Joint Ops, and also was intrumental in reconfiguring the DFX demo map which is where I got my start with Nova.
I am involved with alot of other projects right now, but I will be doing alot more map making.
One map I would really like to do is the DFX demo Snow Base map.
I really liked this map and have alot of good memories playing it. I used the "Pilot Mod", (among others).. and since the new DFX2 is modded similarly, and has the same terrain in its maped...I would like to know if, or how I can bring the DFX map into the DFX2 server. Is this possible?

I know, I could just lay out the terrain and try to remember exactly where all the items etc are correctly positioned at...but man that would take alot of time, and I would rather it be 100% accurate.

I looked in the Nova folders and was wondering if it might be possible to extract the Snow Map from DFX using som kind of utility, and reinstall into my Map files on DFX2.

I would really apreciate any advise anyone has on this.

I lost all my modding/ mapping tools awhile back..can anyone point me in the direction of a good wac file utility and a terrain veiwer! I am sure the old tools will probably work on the DFX2 maped.

Thanx in advance for your replies.

ES_Lonewolf- 07-15-2009 04:02 PM

On ebig thing i dont like is that you cant get "flat terrains withour a custom download then other people cant play your map. So if you want to make a little map with flat terrain you have to put it up in the air and put something under the whole thing so people can walk on it. But i do like how you can have vehicles and stuff it makes making maps funner, and the parachute thing SUCKS if you want to make a map that is made for people to stay in but with pacrachutes they can jump off anything high and just glide over the wall so you have to put fence or something around that area. But other than that i have been having a good time making maps for people.

Hellfighter 07-15-2009 06:54 PM

all you have to do add-in the flat terrains to the zip file for download with your map files inside the zip file

terrains it don't need tobe pack into the pff file at all, add to the game folder thats it

beside i don't think terrains is very big to start with

MERMITE 07-16-2009 02:09 AM

Chrispy has a workaround for increasing the 'flat areas' of a map, although the custom terrain or parts of it will have to go up with the S/P map.

We have seen it all before, 'The I want to be first routine' with any new Nova game since DF1, many mappers have a poor understanding of 'z' values, or even how to work the 3d view, although I nag, some listen many don't don't, or never learn.
The more experienced mapper will at least complete his work with DFX1 or even attempt to rebuild to DFX2, but the passion will be lost as he fights his way around with the new additions and other distractions, this can be viewed in many of the current maps for DFX2.
It is my opinion that Nova games have fallen short since BHD, I for one do miss the
shoddy slums, buildings of BHD, the UAV of TFD, the GUI of DFLW or even the music of DF2,
For the last few years UAV's, V22's, satcom, and even the 'NEW' camo gear has been the US Army/ Marines SOP (standard operating procedure)...but does Nova care?


Chrispy 07-16-2009 02:20 AM

I did have a workaround? :D

Yeah, rip the heightmap from the CPT file, and darken it in Photoshop - but be careful that the flat areas in the heightmap aren't pure black, as you'll hear water when running even when there isn't any water present. If anyone wants more info just let me know and I'll elaborate... However to make sure your maps are more popular I'd suggest using stock terrains as I don't think many people will be bothered to download your terrain with it.

I was actually in the closed beta team for DFX2 and one of the many assets I offered was a flat terrain (desert, jungle, and snow) but of course that never was even looked at (while everyone else's stuff was), so I've decided to contribute it toward our BO mod for DFX2.

ES_Lonewolf- 07-17-2009 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by William (Post 347689)
all you have to do add-in the flat terrains to the zip file for download with your map files inside the zip file

terrains it don't need tobe pack into the pff file at all, add to the game folder thats it

beside i don't think terrains is very big to start with

What, but people that dont download it cant play it then.

dave61 07-17-2009 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by William (Post 347689)
all you have to do add-in the flat terrains to the zip file for download with your map files inside the zip file

terrains it don't need tobe pack into the pff file at all, add to the game folder thats it

beside i don't think terrains is very big to start with


The problem with adding the terrain files along with the map files (mis, bin, wac, etc ...) is the 2 meg limit on the file size. Wouldn't all those files together exceed the 2 meg limit?

6Carbon3 08-09-2009 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by ~BLÃÐE~ (Post 346052)
Steve the Med is the same one from DFX v2.60
Same functions as DFLW MedEd,
(i updated the med.pff with the missing image >>HERE<<

The floating objects is due to new map makers wanting to pump the first maps out. Due to the terrains supplied it takes a little more effort as there isn't many flat areas, again depending on what your trying to achieve.

I got a few started but not finish, as Deadman1968 said trying to work out what other want to see as well as making it playable/interesting/workable.

Some screen shots what ive done so far, if other like ill finish a bit quicker lol.

Indo Vally 01
Indo Vally 02

Klong River 01
Klong River 02

Rocket 01

Pretty nice looking maps.

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