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BADDOG 09-24-2004 08:10 AM

Call of Duty United Offensive Rocks!!!!
I just got CODUA today and it is superb guys, well worth the wate and from being a gunner in a B-17 to blowing up a train, sorry to give a little of the plot away lol, it is one outstanding game so go out and buy it soon:)!!!!

Warm Regards to all:)!!!!!:) :) ;) ;) :p :p :cool: :D :D

-Tigger- 09-24-2004 09:40 AM

I sooo want that game :) but id need to get the original aswell :( and im broke, o well saving time :)

teej 09-24-2004 11:03 AM

i never really played COD befor. I heard that everyone absolutly loved this game but i have only played the single player demo. Maybe ill have to get it. ;)

.ex. 09-24-2004 03:40 PM

my fav map is mp_kharkov that map is so good

BADDOG 09-27-2004 05:40 AM

There are some excellent maps on United Offensive bro and I think the flame thrower is some thing else lol:)!!!!


.enfo. 09-27-2004 09:34 PM

i have cod, but i never really got into it, ah well
post some screenies :D

BADDOG 09-29-2004 03:05 AM

Finished the single player missions....excellent stuff and the multi player is even better:)!!!!


G.I.JOE*MFA* 09-29-2004 05:35 AM

heard it was cool...our detachment in the squad have a server up now for it

just look for *MaFiA* and you should find it

BADDOG 09-30-2004 05:17 AM

Thx for the invite Joe andI'll be on the look out for your server soon:)!!!!


Stalker61 10-04-2004 10:04 AM


Do you know of any websites that can give me some help in the multiplayer portion of this game? I joined a random server, had no idea what I was doing and got my ass handed to me the other day. Any advice would be appreciated.

BADDOG 10-04-2004 10:28 AM

Hello Stalker:)!

Basically it depends on what type of server you joined was it a death match or team death match? There are other game types too similar to black hawk down and the principal is the same, in the case of a death match you can kill anyone on the map and join as either axis or allied forces, you can choose the type of weapon you want as you join a server and a window should open up asking you what you want to do, what side you want to join and what weapon you want to use.

When your in the game you can drive jeeps, tanks etc by approaching them and using the "F" key to climb aboard again this is similar to what you can do in Joint Ops.

If you have any problems, ask some one in the game what you should do, most U.S., U.K., and Canadian servers ususally have some one on who will help you out.

As to any websites to give you further advice, I haven't come across one as yet but if I do I will let you know bro.

Hope this helps in some way.

Warm Regards;)

oHo.Metaphor 10-25-2004 03:09 PM

yea CODUO rocks! I will look for the *Mafia* server too. I remeber you from LW. :) played alot in *Mafia* - public when I started to play DF LW a couple of years ago.

see you in game..

btw: G.I.JOE - you guys *Mafia* wanna be allied to us? if that's the case, check our (oHo) squadpage: :)

G.I.JOE*MFA* 11-15-2004 04:58 AM

yeah that was a couple of years ago we had that server up...whats up with the 2 indexs on ur site?

i dont have CoD:UO but im thinking about getting it and checking it out since i got my new PC running now...

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