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Steve 12-10-2004 07:15 AM

***Read Before Requesting***
HI! Welcome to the NovaHQ sig requesting section :cool:

I'm sure you're very excited and anxious to get a brand new sig from our superb team of design experts.

After being involved with this process for the past 3 years, it is clear that it doesn't always go as smooth as everyone likes.

However after reading this you should be able to make a request that enables you to get what you want or at least close as possible.

Check out the following section. you should copy and paste it in your post. Then the sig team can get straight onto it without having to ask more questions which can take days and days.

{Style} -
{Size} -
{Colour Scheme} -
{Name} -
{Other Text} -
{Specific Pictures} -
{Misc/Further Details} -

{Avatar} -
{Avatar Size} -

The sig team does do animation, but animation is tricky sometimes and in a lot of cases creates inflated file sizes resulting in an unsuitable sig size. So just bare this in mind.

Everyone loves sigs but no-one needs a new sig every week. People who request a sig more than one a month will be a very low priority, and may not get a sig at all. Our team would much rather serve a person without a sig than someone who just collects sigs.

When a request is made, no one is to reply to the thread unless you are going to make the sig. This will let the sig team and other sig makers know which request has/has not been taken so they can fill it.

Please remember - this is done for fun, no-one gets paid and a THANK YOU is the only thing expected in return if you like the work! :)

see below for an example request.

Steve 12-10-2004 07:23 AM

{Style} - Grungy / Dirty
{Size} - 300 x 75 px
{Colour Scheme} - Red/orange
{Name} - Wombat
{Other Text} - Fear Me
{Specific Pictures} - this one please
{Misc/Further Details} - I want my name to be big and on the left side, and 'Fear me' undernearth in small letters.

{Avatar} - yep
{Avatar Size} - so it fits this forum


{Style} - Screenshot
{Size} - 400 x 100 px
{Colour Scheme} - Colours of screenshot
{Name} - Speed Demon
{Other Text} -
{Specific Pictures} - Need for speed ones please. a 'Stang would be awesome
{Misc/Further Details} - Kinda add some blur like its going fast. You choose the location of the name but make it stand out well.

{Avatar} - no thanks
{Avatar Size} -

Steve 02-21-2005 06:46 AM


Matt 12-30-2006 10:35 PM

Posted By Jason: December 26th 2006

Recently there has been a lot of off topic discussion's in many areas within the Sig's and Graphics Sections. Let me please ask for your help on staying on topic. Lets keep the request forms purley requests. Please do not call people out weather they are a double member or requested two sigs in a week. We are here to make requests and there are enough people here to full fill as many requests that may come in. So please help out and clean up these sections without a bunch of spam. Thank You.

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