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^WD^Pegasus" 03-02-2003 08:25 AM

Respawn-able AI?
A friend of mine is interested in making a training map for his squad... where as AI attcks the zone and takes gunning positions... is there any way to make the ai respawn at all and if so is it posable to make them respawn to certain positions?



Steve 03-02-2003 09:13 AM

no sorry. no AI respawns.

u can make em teleport in single player only though.

ArcticWolf 03-02-2003 06:36 PM

Like Stevie said, no, and yes you can teleport them. You can place upto 119 Ai in a map with no apparent ill effects. Problem is that they will not control the weapon that you have them run up to. Instead, say you have a 50 cal positioned, have them run up with a FNG and have while they're shooting this it will give the appearance of them firing that gun. you would have to give each AI a seperate group number and the same for the teleports and set up the events so that when one ai get's killed, another respawns behind a building and runs out to that gun following the waypoints you have set there - it's going to be a long and painful job of doing all those events and then testing to make sure all works as planned.

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