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Bone Collector 04-06-2002 09:37 AM

I recently had to reformat and ever since I did when I play and empty a mag it takes a long time for it to reload my I;ve reformated before and never had this problem. I did notice that the update to the game had gotten larger then the last time I did it did Nova incorporate this into the update or something?
Anyone who can answer this would be greatly appreachated.....
Its getting me to the point of ditching the game ....and I love this game been playing it ever since it came out...I hate to loose the Delta Force experiance...
Please Help????????

Scott 04-06-2002 02:34 PM

Now that is a problem I have never herd. How long does it take to reload it? if its around 3-4 seconds that is normal... if it takes longer then 10 sec, thats not normal. But there isnt any way I would know how to help you :(.

Bone Collector 04-06-2002 06:13 PM

I know it used to take about 3 sec. now its taking like 10-12 sec. w/o lagging ..hell if it laggs I can go smoke a cig before it loads up again :)
And I cant figure it out , other then it was incorporated in the larger update. I was just wondering if anyone else had run the update recently and had the same problem.

Neo_TAW 04-06-2002 06:29 PM

maybe it just doesnt like you

~FB~Ghandi 04-06-2002 07:07 PM

depends on what gun you use with what player sniper gunner take the mm1 with a sniper an reloade will take about 10 sek

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