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FUÑÑY (*¿*) 01-13-2002 08:32 AM

RE: Geocities and Signatures
:) :) Here's a little bit of info for all those who are trying to put sigs below their posts who are using Geocities websites:

YOU CAN"T !!! As far as I (with stevie b's help) have discovered geocities does not allow HOTLINKING (itz when you have to copy the propeties web addresss ((right click on image)) on your sig that you place on your website in order for the sig box to be able to read it and post it when you leave a message)

Do Not Fear:D I have discovered , through many hours of web surfing, a website that you can go and post your sigs on and then use it as a hotlink to post in your sig box.

;) Go to and set up a "free" account. It will allow you to create password protected pages. It has enough space to put a bunch of sigs and whatever else on. Once you create the account, open a new "note" and upload your sig to the "post-a-note tab, label it and save. Copy down the web address by right clicking on the image, go back to the DF-HQ edit profile section where you then paste the website hotlink address surrounded by the following "[:)img] hotlink /http:address/[/img:) ]" (((take the smilies out))) Then confirm the new changes and hopefully it will work.:D Good Luck :) I hope this help you out :D :D :D

FUÑÑY (*¿*) :gj:

~RS~Thunder 01-15-2002 09:46 AM

Thanks for the advice. It worked great.

FUÑÑY (*¿*) 01-15-2002 11:33 AM

Hey ~RS~ Thunder Nice Sig dude!!!

Just remember that the eboards .com site doesn't hold that much space so you nay have to rotate them in and out of the post-a-notes.

That's what I'm doing

L8R bro

COOL I just moved up to "member" I feel so important now:)

~RS~Thunder 01-15-2002 12:02 PM

Thanks for the compliment on the sig, but, I gotta give stevieB all the credit. He is the mastermind behind it. lol. If I only have a couple of sigs on it will I have a problem? I'm new at this stuff and don't have a [freaking] clue what I am doing. Thanks for the help.

edited out: [---]

FUÑÑY (*¿*) 01-15-2002 03:27 PM

You might have a problem if you put on on using animation b/c it takes up a lot of space.

I have about three or four on there now and it seems fine.

I will keep you posted if I run into a problem using ok

Steve 01-15-2002 03:44 PM

the only thing about the way its linked to the easyboard thingy is that for some reason i cannot cache the images you 2 have and each time i come to 1 of ur posts the image has to load again. :confused:

FUÑÑY (*¿*) 01-15-2002 05:24 PM

hey stevieb I'm not sure i'm following you:(

a. you can't see my sig?
b. i should try another storage facility for my sigs? msn if they
allow that
c. it's ok it just takes a little while to load and I should downsize?

please advise

zza1pqx 01-15-2002 07:21 PM

Cacheing is when internet explorer or netscape, save everything it comes across on the web to the Temporary Internet Files folder.

It is used so that when a user re-visits a page, IE knows it has seen stuff before and rather than downloading it again it simply copies the files from the temporary folder onto your screen.

This means that the 56K boys can surf at a speed something close to human, which is essential in an information heavy setup like these forums.


StevieB would not discourage you from using any system you can to display sigs. Some longstanding DF-HQ members have their sigs stored at DF-HQ, some use their own websapce, some even use a friends.

The fact that e-boards have a no-cache feel to them does mean however that designers are sensetive to toward others.
a 100,000 byte file is excessive on a sig. Its will cause other people to slow down badly whe using these forums.

Some forums have size limits but DF-HQ believes in the freedom of expression which makes this place great.

Here is an example to show the file size of your sig in context.

<embed src="" quality=high pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="200" height="200">

The Flash above is 40740 bytes in size. It includes (realtivley) complex animation as well as a reasonable sized wav converted to Mp3

despite this it is still less than half the size of your simple animated GIF banner.

you can check this by right clicking your banner.

Dont get me wrong, it is a kick ass sig and as you can see from mine below, I am not the best at critiqueing creativity, but before you go to the animation process, you must use either the image program you did the original artwork in to reduce the file quality and therefore its size OR, you can get image optimisers that work reasonably well which will do the same thing.

Most good ones, reduce the file size significantly before there is any visible deterioration in visual quality. Once you have done this you can get the animation tools out and create your super sig, without having to upset those boys on the telephone modems.

If you dont have an image optimiser try and search for a freeware one, there are plenty out there.

Lastly, I try and be constructive in my responses to posts like these but frequently they come across as arrogant. My apologies if this seems the case, I mean nothing but support in your endeavor to produce good web art.

Meanwhile, why not enter my competition, in this show us yer siggys forum.

Cheers ZZ out.

Steve 01-16-2002 03:20 AM

good post, u took the words outa my mouth ( and a hel lot more lol)

~RS~Thunder 01-16-2002 07:08 AM

Hey guys, what about a small sig like mine? any problems with that or should I try and find another place to upload mine to? Thanks for the help.

FUÑÑY (*¿*) 01-16-2002 09:47 AM

ok ZZ I went back to the drawing boards and did my best to optimize the sig. I went from 96633 to 42316. That's more than half the size ...did i do ok here?

I'm gonna attempt to do anotherone that looks a little better so I hope that this one will do until the ok.

Naw ... you were not to rough on me ... actually I appreciate any help:) What programs do you use to do sigs ZZ and stevieb? I got the gist of the thing and I still have a lot to learn. I just want to cooperate any way possible:D

Steve 01-16-2002 12:02 PM

dont worry guys;)

and thanks for making it smaller Funny. when i get broad band u can have it any size u want:D :D

i use Adobe Photoshop 6.0:)

FUÑÑY (*¿*) 01-16-2002 01:22 PM

no problem-o steve-o

I'm working on a better one now that I know how to optimize. And I thought for sure that your were on broad band:( :)

You must also be a wizard at photoshop cuz you create some wicked stuff:D :D :D

zza1pqx 01-16-2002 02:08 PM

Excellent Work.

Half the size and still good quality. I am impressed. Well done.

FUÑÑY (*¿*) 01-16-2002 04:01 PM

thank u ... thank u very much

zza1pqx 01-21-2002 07:37 PM

Of course now you have changed it so this thread looks nuts!

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