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Admiral Barrett 01-08-2018 11:46 AM

Yet more Multiplayer issues
While I have prefixed this as a Land Warrior thread, it also applies to Task Force Dagger, as well. When starting LAN sessions, the game hangs at "Analyzing Mission Topography." However, unlike all of the threads I have read about how uncooperative the game's netcode is, the issue appears for most, but not all of the maps. For example, In Land Warrior, I can start a Deathmatch session on the Oil Rig map with only about 20 seconds between the hang and the other players joining. In Task Force Dagger, the Carnage Bridge map also works, but it takes the server ~ one minute to let other players in. For the rest of the maps and other game types, the game hangs at the aforementioned point.

1)I have opened ports 17478, 3568 and 3569 on my router.
2)I have both entered a Windows Firewall exception AND disabled the firewall.
3)I have the GOG version of the game, where the NoVON patch is already applied; even so, I have tried the NoVON patch and it does not resolve the issue.
4) I have no issues with either DF1 or DF2; multiplayer works like a champ on all maps.
5) All of the games use IPXWrapper's latest release to tunnel through the network.
6)Operating system seems to be irrelevant. I have XP SP3, Vista 32Bit and Win7 64 Bit. Same issue with no deviation.

I am at a loss as to why only a handful of maps in Land Warrior and Task Force Dagger will actually work. I do not know where to look to debug at this point. Unless there is an obscure port that is still blocked, my only thought would be an issue in the multiplayer map settings themselves. What do I need to do to get this fixed?

Scott 01-08-2018 12:02 PM

Can you host the same maps with a Novaworld session without issues? Does it only apply to the IPX wrapper or LAN hosting?

Admiral Barrett 01-08-2018 01:09 PM

Hosting on Novaworld is not an issue....trying to join the game causes the client to lock up. I used an alternate internet connection to test the client joining to avoid the issue regarding the same IP trying to host and join at the same time.

Guest001 01-09-2018 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Admiral Barrett (Post 388534)
Hosting on Novaworld is not an issue....trying to join the game causes the client to lock up. I used an alternate internet connection to test the client joining to avoid the issue regarding the same IP trying to host and join at the same time.

It's something to do with hosting and joining from the same IP - some routers cannot handle it or are just configured wrong - others can separate them well enough.

I do know the problem is much worse and can even crash the server if you have another PC in the LAN trying to join as well, IE 2 PCs behind the same router (host) trying to join a hosted game.

Scott 01-10-2018 10:54 AM

I can join the same game (my own) from my own computer 15 times so I do not think that is the issue. I'm sure it's just an IPX issue. One thing I can suggest is just hosting a normal NovaWorld server (your your external ports blocked) and have your party use the tool linked below to enter your LAN IP to create a startup.htm that will auto join your local server.

Admiral Barrett 01-10-2018 11:48 AM

Avast Antivirus goes nuts when trying to download that utility. Is this a known issue?

Guest001 01-10-2018 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Admiral Barrett (Post 388560)
Avast Antivirus goes nuts when trying to download that utility. Is this a known issue?

Yes, I have Avast! It cans everything now so make an exception if you can...

and just to clarify the router business, in my case with 2 PC's connected to my home network with one hosting and playing DFX2 all sorts of weirdness was happening like, when the other PC joined it could crash the Server

By which I mean I strongly suspect that somehow we managed to crash the Novaworld server 3 times.

We made 3 attempts to join over a period of about 3 weeks 2 about a week apart then we waited but then as soon as the other PC joined - bam! and that outage lasted nearly 3 days from a Friday evening to Monday morning so SRY for that PPL - and that's why I ended up renting a DFX2 server in the US which I still run to this day.

So now with all that you can also take into account that I'm in Australia and it's a huge 180 - 200+ ping and a tiny 756K connection to the US at best.

Is it any wonder?

Admiral Barrett 01-10-2018 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Scott (Post 388559)
I can join the same game (my own) from my own computer 15 times so I do not think that is the issue. I'm sure it's just an IPX issue. One thing I can suggest is just hosting a normal NovaWorld server (your your external ports blocked) and have your party use the tool linked below to enter your LAN IP to create a startup.htm that will auto join your local server.

This does not resolve the problem, either.

Scott 01-11-2018 09:06 AM

Can you perhaps send me one of the maps you're trying to host locally that gives you this issue?

Admiral Barrett 01-11-2018 11:05 AM

I do not see individual map files in my install. The largest file I see is TERRAINS.PFF (372MB) I am guessing that all of the maps are compressed.

Admiral Barrett 01-14-2018 10:46 AM


Are the maps in a compressed format and how would I decompress them so you can test the maps?

Scott 01-16-2018 01:25 PM

If they are stock maps, then they are in the PFF and we all should already have them. having trouble trying to help you though, I'm able to join computers on my local network just fine using the IP Ripper with a custom startup. Not sure why it would work for me and not you unless there was a firewall or something is missing.

Try hosting the maps on NovaWorld with a password, and see if others can join you. That way you can rule out if it's IPX or if it's your game.

Admiral Barrett 01-16-2018 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Scott (Post 388598)
If they are stock maps, then they are in the PFF and we all should already have them. having trouble trying to help you though, I'm able to join computers on my local network just fine using the IP Ripper with a custom startup. Not sure why it would work for me and not you unless there was a firewall or something is missing.

Try hosting the maps on NovaWorld with a password, and see if others can join you. That way you can rule out if it's IPX or if it's your game.

Server is up

DFLW game


I will leave this up for the next 20 hours or so. If anyone has issues, feel free to post it.

EDIT: The server is no longer up; the problem still persists. I am about ready to give up.

EDIT 2: I tried one last time. I connected multiple computers directly to the internet and tried to join games. I still received the Joining Session hangup. I tried hosting on one direct connection and joining on a separate internet connection; same problems. I have no clue where the problem is. I have games older than this that I can run 7+ players across my home network and internet with zero problems. NOTHING I try seems to work.

Scott 01-17-2018 03:56 PM

If you get stuck at joining session, you might be having issues with VON. Make sure you have the latest patch that disables VON.

Admiral Barrett 01-17-2018 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Scott (Post 388604)
If you get stuck at joining session, you might be having issues with VON. Make sure you have the latest patch that disables VON.

I stated in my OP that I had already done this.

Scott 01-18-2018 08:20 AM

I sent you a PM with a link with something else to try. LMK if that works or not.

FrankyTheTank 01-26-2018 07:55 AM

hehe seems like what i have sayed in the past

newer delta force version should have a IP join like df1 has

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