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KU43 11-03-2004 06:00 AM

Why Bush Won
the reason we have a republican president and both houses have a republican majorty the American people are fed up with the democrats socialistic b. s. they are fed up with the u.n. they are sickened by their push for gay rights and abortion. they are done seeing their 2nd ammendment being torn away but most of all they are tired ofhaving the democrats seeing their belief in God as a weakness. the seperation of church and state is not in any of America's doctrines as they would have you think. every time george bush talked of God kerry would run his mouth saying how weak bush was for beliving.America is not a Godless country and i pray it will stay that way.

Lakie 11-03-2004 07:12 AM

actualy the seperation of church andstate is well enshrined inthe 1st amendment as interprated by the Supreme Court over the centuraies, never minding the USC . But tend to agree, to pick on someone because of their religious standings is weak, i suppose its a case of alls fair in love and war...

Hellfighter 11-03-2004 11:00 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Kerry talk to much crap and no one like a person who slame other into the dirt. his history is not good at all. serve in 4mo in Vitnam that trun into a joke.

attachment is for those who have not seen the news' CNN on who won it all.

i stay up to 03:30am to see who get it all, will ohio 98% (bush) were being slow on finishing the count and dummies idoh could not get it going right. glade it all over the slow ohio came in.

will it has to do what the people think who was telling the turth and who they think can lead the USA into the furture.


Family & God & Goverment together in that order.

thundar 11-03-2004 01:30 PM

well i know there was alot of issues with this hole thing an lot of them turned me from kerry but the one that really did it was when he said he wanted to ban the semi-auto shotgun an then jack the sales tax on all hunting rifles an ammo so the ppl wouldnt or couldnt afford it then when i heard that he wanted to take away state game lands well srry but i been hunting all my life 30 years now an i refuse to let a bonehead idiot like kerry mess up my tradition in anyway not alone my right to bare arms

KU43 11-03-2004 05:17 PM

as interprated by the Supreme Court over the centuraies, John Adams the 2nd President of the U.S. every Sunday would preach a sermon from the same building he used to conduct the affairs of the U.S. Government durn the week The founding fathers of this country would NEVER have approved such a change.I belive the only flaw in our government was giving to much power to the courts.Not to many know this but all our traffic courts are military courts because they were never set up in the constitution.When you go to court ask the judge if you are in a military court. He will say case dismissed or yes you are.In that case you tell him you are no longer in the military and will stand mute. At that point he will enter a plea for you. That plea will be not guilty.You have just won your case. these courts have ripped off billions from the people because they won't wake up to learn about their own government.IF YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR RIGHTS THEN YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS.

11-03-2004 08:05 PM

I respect it but here it is from a first time voter at 18. Kerry would of won if he had explained who he was to people and what he stood for. He left us in the dark on things and said that he has a plan but never told us.

Bush would never of lost no matter what...even in a tie 269 -269

It would of came down to House of Reps and then he still won cause of Republicans control both Houses.

Nev 11-04-2004 12:54 AM

religion is not a weakness, it's a VERY powerful tool for the political leaders to get backup from the masses

BADDOG 11-04-2004 09:54 AM

At least this election has left a clear winner in the Whitehouse and there can be no argument about that this time round unlike in the 2000 election.

What ever President Bush does I'm sure it will be in the best interests of the American people.

Reagrds and God Bless America:)

Stu 11-04-2004 10:20 AM

it was close all the way...

Reticle 11-04-2004 02:23 PM

Just so y'all know, seperation of church and state is NOT in the constitution. Who cares if the supreme court says it is, the supreme court is a joke nowadays.


Quote : The Constitution
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
That's what the constitution says about Church and State, all of it. It says the Congress can't pass laws regarding an establishment of religion. Establishment, of course, means a specific church. So, basically, there is no constitutional seperation of church and state. It is in no way illegal for a judge to have the ten commandments in his court room, or for the president to lead the nation in prayer (and it would be nice if he would) or any number of other things. Basically, all it does is prevent religious persecution by the government, and that's it.

As for why Bush won (and by a VERY substantial margin for these days), it's obvious. People look around, and what do they see? They see mothers killing their children because they screwed up and didn't want to take responsibility. They see sodomy made legal (even though the constitution says nothing about sexual freedom). They see states instituting gay marriage. They see fetuses being killed for research. They basically see all the morals that America once stood for being thrown away, and it appalls them, which is why we had a record voter turn out, and why Bush won so decisively. Of course, it also has something to do with the fact that we can trust him to stick with his positions...

KU43 11-08-2004 11:32 PM

If you live in America and have childeren of school age you owe it to them to let them know the true meaning of the BILL OF RIGHTS. Since the fed. reserve. bank,out of kindness of their blood sucking hearts, supplys school books they teach our kids what these blood suckers want them to belive. The American History books, no matter who wrote it and for what grade they teach that " THE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE" as said in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 9th, and 10th Amendments is just that "THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE." But this brain washing of lies tell a different story on the 2nd Amendment saying this is a state's right, not the peoples Every Supreme Court case heard on the 2nd Amendment has confirmed the meaning is clear' that it is the right of the people. When these books teach about lobbyists for their exsample they use the gun control lobbyists. The books have deleted most all the founding fathers yet 1/2 of the book talks of the 13th Amendment and how the founders of this country were nothing more than slave traders. What's even worse these piece of **** teachers are cramming this crap into our kids head knowing it's a lie. So take some time and skim these books then set your sons and daughters straight then, set their lien teachers straight.IF YOU DONT KNOW YOUR RIGHTS THEN YOU HAVE NONE

COp Rok 11-12-2004 02:44 PM


1. For many of us X military types Kerry is not better than VC Jane. The fact that we are in a war simply adds fuel to the concerns many already have about his willingness to defend our country and be perceived as strong in the world community. Of course all this supposes that nobody places any emphasis on the blantent disregard for our troops (who are currently in harms way) by attempting to make this war illegitamate.

2. Many woman keyed into Kerry when he was asked about his wife and chose instead to talk about his

3. Kerry had a moderate tone but is a true left wing liberal and most of us know it.

4. His wife would make a terrible first lady.

5. He ran on 4 months in Vietnam rather than the umpteen number of years he has had in the senate.

6. All this and I am a registered independent just think what the republicans are saying:D

Dr. Bullet 11-12-2004 03:09 PM

I was about to say the same thing reticle. The term separation of church and state actually comes from a letter Abe Lincoln wrote to a woman during the civil war. The Supreme Court has decided that this letter is the constitution, even though Abe wasn't even alive during constitutional days.

Dr. Bullet 11-12-2004 03:14 PM

I'm sorry, I was was jefferson. I was thinking of a different letter *blush*

But still, separation of church and state isn't in the constitution, thus the Supreme Court has nothing to "interpret." Thier job is to judge if something constitutional or not, not re-write it.

Reticle 11-12-2004 06:09 PM

I'm currently in high school, and the kinds of crap I hear from teachers is ridiculous. My old history teacher would matter-of-factly tell us all that freedom to bear arms was clearly meant only for the national guard. Never mind the fact that there was no national guard until about 50 years AFTER the constitution was written. I guess the founding fathers were psychic, then...

And all this taking God out of schools is ridiculous. That only evolution is taught is just sad, as evolution theory is far more full of holes than creation, and yet science teachers teach it as though it were proven fact. They tend to forget to mention that there could be other ways the world (and universe, for that matter), was created.

Dr. Bullet 11-12-2004 06:44 PM

Exactly. They'll take God out, but put Allah, homos, feminists in...

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