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Sam 10-12-2009 06:37 PM

We saw that already
Your on a vacation, and your dad (or mom whichever is driving) is driving trying to find a certain house.
Your Mom (or dad whoever is in the passenger seat) says oh look theres a funny looking grey house. 10 min later they see the same house but this time it does a funny noise, then it moves, you tell the person who saw it again that its an elephant not a house. Then the person (either your mom or dad) says oh is that what it is? I need new glasses.

.Simon. 10-13-2009 10:28 AM

Im laughing for all the wrong reasons.

Sam 10-13-2009 08:22 PM


Sen 10-19-2009 12:05 PM

*pats Sam on the head*

A for effort ^-^

IcIshoot 10-19-2009 03:23 PM

You have to much extra info in the joke, the stuff in the ()'s ruin the flow

Your family is on vacation, dad is driving trying to find a certain house.
Your Mom, sitting in the passanger seat comments
"oh look theres a funny looking grey house".

10 min later they see the same house but this time it is making funny noises and moving.
You exclaim "Thats not a house, thats an elephent!".

Your mom, looking confused replies "Thats what it is? Guess I need new glasses"

Thats how I would have written it - though it still isn't funny.

There is an art to writting jokes - it has to flow. I suggest you study other jokes, see how they are written, Notice that they don't keep saying "he said, she says, you say", etc.

Keep trying lol

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