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-Tigger- 04-23-2009 07:13 PM

first impressions
yes, i know its a beta... but..

Good points:

1. is now much better sounding
2. has that same nova-game feeling which is unique
3. didnt seem to lag too much (screen wise)
4. seems user friendly (menus)
5. left lean possibly fixed? although no one was willing to look

Bad points:

1. no exciting new features (have possibly missed a couple)
2. no new weapons (anything that wasn't in DFX just seems to be copied from JO... skins, sounds, vehicles)
3. same poo music
4. System dump within 10 mins
5. went laggy (connection wise) when a chopper blew up and a few people died at the same time
6. still using the crappy MP menu (what was wrong with BHDs style?)

all i can say is, if this is a new/modified engine (which chrispy said it was), im not impressed at all... will see what happens to the "final" demo if we get one, before making my mind up, but at the minute.. i wont be rushing to buy it.. my hopes are with DFAF

sadly i dont see this selling well... only reason most will buy it is because they want something new from nova, and sadly this isnt anything new

maybe the final version will change my mind

Scott 04-23-2009 07:40 PM

I only played the single player mission so far but I think it's a pretty good game. The graphics are good enough for me and I experienced no sysdumps or frame rate lag. The sounds are good but the AI is still not very smart. I don't care much for AI though. I've become a little more excited about this game after playing the demo.

Graphics are decent and colors are vibrant (I’m not picky)
Fast paced game play, like in the old days
Decent weapon selection
Nice menus with crisp graphics

Shotgun is overpowered (Seems this is the case in most games)
AI is about the level of DFLW and can still shoot through buildings
Map and objective system needs work (won’t matter online)
At some points all objects disappeared for a brief second

I took a ton of screen shots, which can be viewed here:

As it stands I would probably buy this. Thinking about getting a gold membership to play the demo online.

Chrispy 04-23-2009 07:52 PM

Nope BB I was wrong about that - it's pretty much the same as JO/DFX's. However even though it's the same engine, the new .exe has had a lot added - widescreen support, way better network code, etc. etc.

Basically DFX2 is just a way more balanced and funner version of DFX. Yeah I know it sucks that the same assets are used and the same AI is there (completely re-working the AI would take a crapola-load of time, not to mention there may be certain engine limitations), but just hope the overall gameplay will compensate for that. :)

When I played Cloak and Dagger it was a pretty alright mission. Like I said, I don't like that environment, and it can look way way better than what it currently looks like (and I know this for a fact because I've seen some kick-ass environments on this same engine).

And of course the weapons are pretty much all nicely balanced, online. :)

-Tigger- 04-25-2009 08:28 AM

well after giving it another go online i noticed the same silly things cropping up that appeared in JO, JO:E and DFX

1. tank snipering with a stupid zoom rate
2. the dreaded ladder/step lag (for example, uve ran into a building up a set of steps, then suddenly your outside again running into something

what sort of cheat protection is on the beta btw? sometimes its like people have a UAV addon *whistle*

also, i dont know if it was because i was in the US server since the EU one is down... but i noticed that the red-dot weapons were inaccurate, whereas the FNC using iron sights was as accurate as a G3 in BHD..

was sort of hoping for different environments... sick of jungle environments, hope theres more beaches...harbours... airports.. trainstations.. that sort of thing, instead of rundown shacks and badly placed villages that just seem to be put there randomly

ShArP 04-25-2009 07:26 PM

ehh i wasn't blown away by the single player, just seemed to be BHD again with a little better graphics, but it seems that they fixed the AI so that they don't just shoot at you and they shoot at your team mates also

MERMITE 04-26-2009 03:14 PM

I doubt very much if this DFX2 will save Novalogic from the money lenders,
same game motor as JOE, same .PCX's as DFX but revamped.
My Pff3 Manager can't open the pff file, so 'HERE WE GO AGAIN', waiting for the community to catch up, it is one way for the art dept to clear out all the 'old' DFX before launching DFAF.....we wait an' see.

IcIshoot 04-27-2009 01:11 AM

we have known all along that it was going to be based on a current game engine, they never said it would be made on any thing else.

That is being reserved for angel falls.

I like it. I never really played DFX until I installed the deep jungle mod, DJ made it more playable.

I don't have that issue with DFX2 - I felt like I was playing BHD in DFX - that combined with the map making power of DFX has gotten me excited about diving fully into the game until AF.

In fact, my squad (at least some of us) is planning on expanding into DFX2.

I really can't wait to start making maps - so much more you can do with DFX then BHD.

And, keep in mind this is still Beta, not the final release.

-Tigger- 04-27-2009 07:24 PM

Lots of silly things still need fixed...

Tank snipering has got worse during the beta as more and more people are now doing it, possibly this problem is due to the poor design of an MP map for the beta... but theres been 6 people in a server and 2 of them on the SAME team are sat on hills in tanks simply spamming the zone... pointless and stupid, a trend which will no doubt come into the full game unless its nerfed

The Anti-base rape defenses are good (AI spaced around the base which target and kill enemies within a 400m radius i think, they cant be killed...)

Hopefully some weapon models will be updated, if you look at the M4 in such high detail, then swap to the G36 (which looks all rounded, shiny and smooth...) it lets the game down

Is there any UK retailers accepting pre-orders? Ive seen (US) but not the UK Amazon or are they still have distribution problems?

One thing im wondering is... is this an expansion OR a stand-alone game? As there is an expansion option in the Menu of DFX2

IcIshoot 04-27-2009 08:32 PM

Its a stand alone game.

-Tigger- 04-27-2009 09:14 PM

So by the looks of it then.. DFX2 will receive a sequel or the much wanted MOD support...

I cant remember the last time Nova was working on 2 games at once :O

econz 05-02-2009 09:07 AM

need more than TKOTH, NEED A TDM.
other than that the gameplay is fun. graphics arnt half bad.

Chrispy 05-02-2009 10:38 PM

Nova have said they put in vehicle maps to fix all that tank sniping crap and what not. They have said they have the infantry side of things worked out.

teej 05-02-2009 11:39 PM

tbh, I did not go that in depth in it. I played the single player for about 30min and uninstalled.

But from what I played and experience(and I understand its the beta) It still needs a ton of work. I feels exactly like JO and dfx and I am not impressed. The gameplay does not feel smooth to me at all. I don't like the whole jump thing where you slow down when you jump. Its annoying. I just think it needs a lot more work.

Steve 05-03-2009 06:30 AM

^ i know you said it's beta, but i don't really know what they have to tweak that much if it's based on games they have had out for years already, flogging an old horse?

i mean have they made that many changes, or would they have jus been better using the exact same source and banging out some new terrains and maps. or are you saying that it is like the old games hence the unsatisfaction?

~MOUSE~ 05-03-2009 10:25 AM

Instead of picking all the best features from previous games, they seem to have picked all the bad features.

The only good thing about the game is the terrain graphics.

Yes I know this is only a beta but if this is the best they can do with existing software, I dread to see what a completely new game will be like.

After 11 years of making the same DF game over and over again they should be pretty good at it but they are not.

econz 05-03-2009 07:13 PM

i woudl really like to play TDM or maybe even a search and destroy type of mode somewhat like css, but i know BHD had TDM.

Matt 05-04-2009 05:16 PM

was excited to finally make it home from school so i could get on my pc and play the demo..and my computers graphic card doesn't support the game :(

JakeTKD86 05-26-2009 09:47 PM

I haven't really made up my mind whether I want this game or not. One thing that will make me not want it, is if they've gone the nooby kill-cam root. So anyone who is playing it, do they use kill-cam or not?

VooDoo- 05-26-2009 11:53 PM

the single player works for me ..the online does not...

to me it is a neoclassic .. DFLW with better graphics basically. it's a fun little game it seems .. i mean to be fair its hard to go off of one easy ass level on a beta..


and i'm just gonna throw in a meh!

Boglet 05-27-2009 05:13 AM

Anyone know if this engine has night time maps in MP??

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