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tom 09-07-2009 11:07 AM

new program for opening ports
Hey all

Cuz a lot of ppl have problems opening ports on their router/modem and i couldn't find any good free program for opening ports using upnp, i decided to create one myself.

After many weeks of programming and testing i finaly have something quite stable (or that's what i think/hope). The program loads the ports opened on your router and shows them in a list, enables you to add new ports and games without any user/pass of your router. Ofcourse your router must support upnp (most routers do these days).

Some screen shots:
Main screen:
Add game button screen:
After clicking "add game" you can select several games/programs and easy add their default ports by clicking "add ports".
Internet connection usage window:
Here you can see the usage of your internet connection (not your local adapter).

To download Click here.

Feel free to try, plz report any bugs


katana*GFR* 09-07-2009 12:32 PM

I'd rather send people to personally... If they still dont get the give me your hand guide they aren't supposed to host..

tom 09-08-2009 02:42 AM is a good guide but there are still some problems:
-some ppl don't know what router they have
-some ppl don't know the user/pass
-some ppl don't know the right ip

ofcourse if u don't know one of these things you are probly too n00b to put up a good server anyway :)

IcIshoot 09-08-2009 08:27 AM

lol, thats a weird IP for a router...

its been a while since I used a linksys router so I can't remember - is PnP enabled by default?

On the setup I use now it isn't.

cool idea though :D

tom 09-10-2009 11:25 AM

in most cases upnp is enabled because programs like MSN, µtorrent, teredo, ... use it to open ports for filetransfer,...

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