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Ñï†êwø£ƒ¤Ë§ƒ¤²™ 05-16-2002 04:09 PM

The new "update"
I dont like the new update....with the exception of the anti cheat patches etc etc. But the new prone option....word. When i was playing a Single Player mission, I went prone and couldnt get back up which p'ed me off like a dog near a rainbowed color pole next to a gay hippie house.

Hopefully this doesnt happen on multiplayer games.


zza1pqx 05-17-2002 10:19 PM

The only thing that seem s odd to me is that the AT4 doesnt always kill people.
A few times people have walked through my AT4 and three times I have personally been hit right in the face with one and never had any problem.
It is a frustration because each of the 3 times I was hit legit by a rocket, I turned and shot the guy with the shoulder package, which clearly upset them.
I know the most likely response is that of laaaaag! but I rarley play in laggy servers and in the games in question I was running at a ping of aroun 40ms with no discernable game, type or graphic lag.
Its great a patch can delay cheats for a while but not too keen on a patch that can potenitaly create a cry of CHEAT! for no good reason.

Steve 05-18-2002 02:54 AM

nitewolf - tits the same in multi, and addresses the 'problem' / 'glitch' / 'whatever' of prone-jmpers. enough people managed to whinge about this to persuade NL to disable jumping from a prone position. maybe it was a step to making the game more balanced. i dont play much so have not seen the effect ingame, but certainly it will affect squad games which seem to be dominated by MAG prone jumpers from my ( limited ) experience.

Ñï†êwø£ƒ¤Ë§ƒ¤²™ 05-18-2002 09:02 AM

I also noticed that the 3rd medic pack doesnt work...
So the update causes some problems-
1. Sometimes when your prone you cant get back up
2. AT4's dont kill people (unless you double load it)
3. 3rd Medic Pack doesnt work
4. And theres only 1000 people who have the update :mad:

Steve 05-18-2002 10:20 AM

1 - u can always get back up, u just cannot jump from a prone position - just like real life!

2 - how did u figure that out!! of course it kills with one shot

3 - how many times have u tried this? u do have to be very close to someone for the med pack to work

4 - definately not true

Ñï†êwø£ƒ¤Ë§ƒ¤²™ 05-18-2002 10:40 AM

when i go on df theres only like 15 pages of public rooms and only 600-1000 people on unlike the usual 2000-3000 people with 30 pages of public rooms.

My squad mates have tried it quite a few times. But your right, i think most of them were head shots.

For the AT4's most of the time it works. But someone shot at me twice anfd dint kill me, they just went threw the wall or even me. But when i shoot them when its double loaded, i get the kill so it doest bother me anymore :cool:

cR4zY 05-22-2002 02:50 PM

i was playing on the nova servers with some other d00d who i didnt know, but together we stumbled on ALOT of bugs, amongst them a bug that could destroy ctf & fb (but i wont tell any1 that glitch, im will send a letter to nova informing them on that 1).


1) Prone jump is still there, although u cant jump to get back up
2) If u prone down a ladder u will get stuck most of the times (especially in the air-tower building), u must type ~resetgames.
3) It is possible to disable recoil & crosshair spread in a LAN game, it doesnt work on nova or public (i will send a email to nova about that 1 to)

nice try nova... :rolleyes:

EL_Bastardo UFP 05-23-2002 09:11 AM

the new update is too bad... sure i hate it no jump after prone... and then this water thing... when u prone in water u can't stand up... first u have to swim out of the water to stand up... WTF??? and there is much more... some maps u can't play to the end... and so on... the most people i know don't like the new update... and i've a question to panther and stevie... it's possible to write down this probs in the news... i hope that many ppls step back to the old version 1.00.31... or better start a poll on DFHQ about this two updates... "Which Update is better and which should we use" when NL see the most play on the last version... they change maybe something at the new update... i don't accept this one... and maybe others too... all UFP members would play on the old version... and our statshost run with 1.00.31 too...

Steve 05-23-2002 02:08 PM

there is no way ever that nova would go back to an earlier version there is no point. i think the side effects will have been from helping prevent cheats being developed. the .29 patch was the best one for me but i dont play that and neither does anyone else. it's something u will have to move to m8 im afraid.

Ñï†êwø£ƒ¤Ë§ƒ¤²™ 05-23-2002 02:52 PM

Also when your using .50 cals and someone kills you with a head shot while your still on it, everytime you respawn you automatically die for no reason. I sat there and must have gave some dude 100 kills from trying to spawn.

cR4zY 05-24-2002 10:26 AM

during the past few weeks i have seen alot of pple testing out the new trainers... :mad:

Ñï†êwø£ƒ¤Ë§ƒ¤²™ 05-24-2002 05:35 PM

Hopefully the next update wont cancel the jumping up the ladder or the double load At4 (my favorite)

EL_Bastardo UFP 05-25-2002 01:21 AM

@ panther... i know they don't step back... but i hate updates... allways the same... fix some bugs and add more new bugs... i know sometimes you can't play a map to the end... and it makes me unhappy too, when i can't jump up ladders like Ñï†êwø£ƒ¤Ë§ƒ¤²™... and so on... with this new update they put a lot of action out of this game... my opinion is the same like yours about the 1.00.29 update... but yet they gave us a useless update!!! i don't wanted a old update from NL... they should make a new one... then the new 1.00.37 is a bad joke... and perhaps my english is sometimes too bad and u've not understand my question... we can nothing do??? i don't think so... when we show NL that the most player don't play with their new update (only work for Public Games)... and i purpose they'll something change when this situation happend... but i know the most would say it would take no effect... that's a wrong mental attitude... if u don't try it!!! u will never get an answer!!!

i hope u start a poll about the new and the old update... u've a great DF resource-site... often visited by different DFLW-Fans... perhaps they'll come all back and downdate their DFLW... but remember if there is no "TRY-OUT" u or i will never get an answer...

who fight can lose... who does not fight has lost before...

Steve 05-25-2002 03:42 AM

i presume u mean me not Panther?

i dont see what we can do. if u want to play .31 then play .31! there is no problem. those who want to play .37 play .37

700 ppl playing .37 > 17 pages of games
300 ppl playing .31 > 5 pages of games

this is the quietest ive ever seen DFLW ever, maybe cause US is all sleeping ;) but its plain to see the most popular patch.


when we show NL that the most player don't play with their new update (only work for Public Games)
how could we justify this?

Matt 05-25-2002 08:13 PM


1 - u can always get back up, u just cannot jump from a prone position - just like real life!
In real life you don't press a button to stand up hehe

One glitch they forgot to take out is when you are killed while on a autonade or machine gun. You respawn in the same spot, and you can't get back off. That one sucks because it really puts your kill/death ratio to spoils.

zza1pqx 05-25-2002 08:44 PM

Yes I have found the death by getting shot on a gun quite frustrating too.
I find you can always prone/get up but you have to be stock still and doing nothing else at all.
Also how come they havent sorted out the glitch whereby you are invisible to people outside the radar tower thingy through the windows.
I owned ATO server in one match where I could happily PSG the pap out of people coming round the corner.
Despite them being 3 feet from my face they didnt see me until they got in the building...
I liked it cos its not often I do that well in ATO. But I felt the guilt of using a glitch that others clearly knew nothing about, including it seems, Novalogic.

HD135 05-27-2002 12:02 PM

I have to chuckle when I hear these "real life" comparisons. Yes Raybiez, prone jumping is not something we see in real life. But then again you don't see someone running serpentine across the desert w/ a saw mowing down people 500 meters away in "real life" either. It's simply a game that has some similarities to what we know as real. When NL takes a move such as the "prone jump" out of play I hope it isn't to make the game more life like. If that is there intention then the game will only get worse. But if they are doing it to improve game play for everyone then I will grudgingly accept it.

Steve 05-27-2002 12:26 PM


Originally posted by zza1pqx
Yes I have found the death by getting shot on a gun quite frustrating too.
I find you can always prone/get up but you have to be stock still and doing nothing else at all.
Also how come they havent sorted out the glitch whereby you are invisible to people outside the radar tower thingy through the windows.
I owned ATO server in one match where I could happily PSG the pap out of people coming round the corner.
Despite them being 3 feet from my face they didnt see me until they got in the building...
I liked it cos its not often I do that well in ATO. But I felt the guilt of using a glitch that others clearly knew nothing about, including it seems, Novalogic.

lol i know a few ppl who make the most of this to ;) its a mapmakers fault though. buildings that u can see into through the windows need blink group settings.

Steve 05-27-2002 12:28 PM


Originally posted by HD135
I have to chuckle when I hear these "real life" comparisons. Yes Raybiez, prone jumping is not something we see in real life. But then again you don't see someone running serpentine across the desert w/ a saw mowing down people 500 meters away in "real life" either. It's simply a game that has some similarities to what we know as real. When NL takes a move such as the "prone jump" out of play I hope it isn't to make the game more life like. If that is there intention then the game will only get worse. But if they are doing it to improve game play for everyone then I will grudgingly accept it.
lol ur right bt i had to justify my reply somehow :P :D

zza1pqx 05-27-2002 12:37 PM

Damn stevieB you are the map man.
My apologies to nova for blaming their update for this nonsense glitch.

Shoulda blamed their overly complex level editor. LOL

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