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*I*Rþ55rªÞ‡™ 10-01-2003 06:57 PM

I dont believe that not allowing people to hex their names is fair. I and many of my team-mates have used our names for years and built reputations with them. Now we have to start using new names?!? That is rediculous. I dont believe this will help anything. Makes me wanna quit playin the game. I am strongly against this and I think that if we all voice our opinions we can change their minds. SO SPEAK!!

Steve 10-02-2003 12:58 PM

know that if u already have a hexed name then u dont have to change it?


JimDirt 10-02-2003 04:23 PM

But if you dont remove all hexed names from your account , you cannot post or use anything on Nova's new site, :mad:

zza1pqx 10-02-2003 10:34 PM

Well my IQ is 132 which is above average.
I think its nuts when someone offers disprespect based on the style of anothers posting. Its Katanna too, who is usually reasonably nice to people.
To be fair though that is some response going on there Jimdirt matey.
I would have thought that an IQ above Steven Hawkins would produce someone who is a little more secure in their own abilities.
If someone called Einstein stupid I would have thought he would have probably ignored them. Bit like a 500lb man telling Kate Moss she is putting on weight....

Then again what do I know? Perhaps genius does produce anal uptightness.
Still, a bit rough there Mr Katanna. The man was on a rant after all, and speaking as someone that knows how to rant; Grammar, spelling, et al is hardly the point. Read a newspaper for that I think.

zza1pqx 10-02-2003 10:46 PM

Forgive the seemingly retarded delay in that response, I was just replying to page one of these posts.

Nova have never understood what the consumer wants. Only the bare minimum of their games are any good and those that are tend to be good as online only. The community drives them to success and without the community the company would be sunk.

Nova don't compete at the level of companies like ID and Valve and Epic. Not because thye dont have the innovation or the skill to produce good games, but because they dont give a flying monkey chuff about their community.
Sentences like 'bending over backwards' used in PR statements offer the realisation that the nova grouphonestly believe we are people they could do without. They want to break into high profits and think that by distancing themselves from ground force grass roots community feedback they can enjoy the same privalleges that Konami and Sega have with their console games, ie no constant agressive feedback from a continualy evolving non-paying client base.

They will fail in this because their games are generally too poor in quality to work as anything other than multiplayer games.

Unfortunatley for them to succeed in multiplayer you need to please the players, something they have continually failed to do, hence their poor market share. This is just another example.
They made a decision to make things easier for themselves.
The reason why they claim to have thought it over long and hard was not, that they thought it might be best for th consumer but because they knew that while it would piss us offm it would make things easier for them.

Thats what they considered. They went for the ease of their own admin over the enjoyment of the community and any amount of 'screw you we try hard' PR e-mails from them wont change that.

Nova strike out more often than Birmingham Ladies baseball team in the world series.
Small fish in a big wirld, swimming round annoying the very sealife that supports them.
Im glad I am out of it.

*I*Keg 10-03-2003 12:33 PM

Names (HEX)
I would like to have a couple of things cleared up By someone from Nova before I start bitching. On hexed names, Are you banning them from the public servers? If so why? Or is this strictly for the use of Nova servers?

I have been gaming in the Nova community since F22 Raptor came out. I have used the Hexed name I currently use since that time. I have had the *I**ronKnights squad since that time. It is Who I Am. It is who our squad members are. People know me by my hexed name. They no my squad by the same. This is an Identity built over many many years. It is also an Identity built on thousands of dollars spent to build our servers to be the best they can be. It is born out of a true love of the gaming experiance and the community it supports. It's our Identity in our community. I for one do not want to lose this Identity, nor does anyone in our squad. I will tell you that to stop cheaters you must simply ban them from a server. That is the only way to get across to them. If you waste your time and money at Nova to chase cheaters then you will lose, our entire community will lose. What you must do is patch what is known and spend your effort and money on fixing glitches, creating new games and building better servers and pipes. Our job in the community is to support you by banning cheaters from our servers.
I do not see how changing names to standard lettering will prevent cheats. In fact how will you determine this at all? Players who have mastered the games by playing often, creating maps and taking the time to understand the game are often called cheaters. They simply understand the game better and play more. If you will ban players based on reporting from other players then the best players are in for a very tough road ahead. I have supported Nova for many years and simply believe that taking away our ability to create an identity takes away from the whole Nova experiance. I shall now shut up sit back and watch.



JimDirt 10-03-2003 01:36 PM

Like i have stated before, and im sure others know as well ,that if the game is not updated with regular patches, as well as constant monitoring from someone from their company ,who will be there when we call after the 9-5 timeslot that Nova employees keep ,as well as on the weekends when the "cheats" are left to roam free in the servers , then the cheating will diminish , since i doubt it will entirely stop , but it can be controled at a far greater level than Nova has stated it has or can be,
You cant stop cheats if they are not caught by a Nova employee, who also has to have a witness with him/her watching the loser in action(Nova policy) ,in order to ban them , they will also NOT ban a player(cheat or otherwize) when someone complains via email , you must "call" tech support and have the person/s watching the events unfold, therefore unless they have the 24/7 support that i have mentioned numorus times , they will gain no ground ,and are otherwize wasting their and our time in stating that they have a hold or solution to the cheating problem , and as I and others here have stated , our names are our identity , taking away that from us , not only lessens our gaming "fun" , but will and has distanced the players from Nova and its ability to provide "quality" customer service and/or their ability or obligation to support the very people who made Nova the company that it is today,
Since without players who will continue to buy their products , they will fail in the market that they seem to think they have such a strong hold on! , though there will still be the unknowing people who will purchase their products that are new to the gaming or Nova community , who are unaware of the tactics of someone sitting behind a desk who cant see or does not care what effect their actions have done ,since their only worry is how to make more money ,by putting out product after product with the sole purpose of making a profit , not putting out a quality product and not how to provide service to the thousands that have givin them the ability to sit behind that desk !
I have watched as the servers have had fewer and fewer people in them, it is not that most have gone to BHD , since those servers are having fewer and fewer people in them as well , it is because everyone is tired of the "promises" Nova makes that they are on top of these issues, or that they have made "every effort" to stop cheating ,when in fact all they have done is distance themselves from and will loose the very ones whom they say they are supporting to make a better gaming experience for ! , it is sad that just the other day i saw the King of Cheatz ,not only back in the servers ,AGAIN! , but to my dismay he is now the leader of a squad(a cheat squad!) , and he has amost always played with "standard font" , so how hard has it been for nova to track him down ? well they cant track him down if they dont watch to see if he or anyone else is cheating in the first place!
Sorry for rambling on and on !
But the only ones who seem to be happy about Novas efforts , are the execs at Nova ,and the cheats who have free reign in the servers in the "after hours" times when Nova locks its doors each weekday and the entire weekend where they are allowed to roam free and ruin everyone else's gaming experience , because the cheats are just like Nova ! , they dont care about us either!!!

*I*Keg 10-03-2003 03:40 PM

Hey by the way. And this is from a guy with an *I*Q of about 50. If you really wanna report the damn cheaters all ya gotta do is hit F9. Take a picture F9 mail the .PCX file from your Delta Force folder to Nova and type in the offenders name. Nova should be able to transalate. And if your in TDM you can even get a pic of them with thier name while thier ten miles in the air.


*I*ß.Ä.WÄУ®. 10-03-2003 08:20 PM

I think if the people want to get rid of cheaters then they need to do somthing about it, not depend on someone else. We had cheaters coming in our site and wouldnt leave nor turn off there cheat, so we said we would we post there name in the site, yet we got laughed and mocked at. Well to this day them cheaters havent been back to visit. I think Squads should just start posting there names in there site, because you damn well if there playing there , they are lookin at youre site also, In all I think its up to the players to rid of these low lifes, taking away our hexed names is a joke in my eyes and probably in the other diehard players out there...........

*I*ß.Ä.WÄУ®. 10-03-2003 08:47 PM

AnD mY QI iS BoUt 4NinE iN haLF

JimDirt 10-04-2003 05:20 AM

I agree about posting in squad sites, i have been discussing this with our squad leader , and it will be in the works on our site soon i think ! , and as far as the players doing something about it ourselves ! Well that is fine! EXCEPT ! , we as players are at a stand still when it comes to Stat Servers , we dont have the ability to remove the losers , so we must rely on Nova and their staff to remidy the situation ! but that is almost like trying to get our Tech Support emails we all send answered, if we are lucky , out of 50 emails we send , we might get 1-3 replies , but they usually are generic in nature and rarely address specific issues that we have experienced !
So in the sense of us doing things ourselves , about the only thing we can do is sign petitions, make long distance phone calls to Nova and hope that someone there gets the picture on what we REALLY want or need from Nova! , we can still ban people in Public servers , but that is about the extent of it , after that our hands are tied , by the misinformation as well as the complete lack of proper information that we need to resolve any of our problems we have with Nova itself or with the constant bombardment of so called players that have nothing better to do than to spread their diseases thru the Nova servers !!!

*PR* Admin 10-04-2003 05:49 AM

i was reading your entire post Jim(and the Novalogic post which wasn`t less to read...but not flamed) and I am no english or american....i think i did see your point

I agree with you that I do not understand the hexed names reason....i mean a cheater is a cheater...hexed or not...
and a BHD ID is a BHD were is the problem really?

if its a time problem then I know a better solution
==> hardware update, more bandwith, more manpower
= more customer freindly and more costs...but that should
not be a frontier for the No.1 selling 3D ego shooter??

JimDirt 10-04-2003 08:16 PM

Exactly! Nova needs to reaize that it isnt us that are the bad guys! its the cheats and hacks that ruin it for everyone else! so why do we get punishid because of Novas lack of reasoning in this situation?
I just cant see why they dont understand that the things they are addressing are not going to solve ,patch,fix or do anything to rid them from the servers , the only way is people watching and banning them ,and doing updates at least every 3 months! , that is it , no other action need be taken, as that would be all that would be nessessarry to keep them from returning, if cheaters knew that someone was watching 24/7 they would soon realize that their efforts are futile, and would soon give up on trying to spoil our fun and enjoyment!!
to me it cant get any simpler than that , and the cost for Nova would be far less than what they are wasting now, making these useless and unfair changes that do nothing but irritate the ones who have kept them in business so long , and will not diminish the use of cheats to any level that would be of use to anyone!!

*I*ß.Ä.WÄУ®. 10-05-2003 12:00 AM

Is this just for nova games or all? I play public and pass, but i still think this is a issue that we all need to attend to. Ive been playing a long time and have built my name and alot of squads no me and our squad I'd hate to see that diminish. To tell ya I think Nova needs some players helping run there stuff and maybe that would help control the situation. And this is a topic that id like to hear more debates on it. And I will say one thing "I'd Be Damned If I Give My NAME Up Ive earned it,and it will STAND, just like our squad will.

*I*Mr.T 10-05-2003 09:00 AM

Ok If nova cares so much why have they not answer our qustions I willl ask again
Are these changes for all games or just logged in games are public games going to be effected
I would like to have a responce from them so every one can quite guessing
I respect everyones opion but voiceing them here and over over and gussing what is going to happen with out any fact or responce from NOVA just confuses everyone more to what is going to happen
So NOVA CAN We get a responce?????

JimDirt 10-05-2003 05:06 PM

From what i understand ,at this time it is strictly Nova stat servers , but as some may have found out ,including myself ! , you cannot log on to Novas new site without removing all your hexed names , BUT ! ,u can copy and paste them in your TFD folder and use them in publics!

mrpow 10-05-2003 05:10 PM



mrpow 10-05-2003 05:25 PM

In case a link to my preceding posts is not working for you, I have typed out the phone lists

Novalogic Inc phone # 818 880-1997

Novalogic Inc customer support # 818 878-0325

Novalogic inc-main # 818 880-1998

Novalogic inc- customer support BBS 818 880-3444

Novalogic inc- customer support 818 880-3448

All locations are at:
Novalogic inc
26010 Mureau Road
Calabasas, CA 91302

Mr.POW out

*I*Rþ55rªÞ‡™ 10-06-2003 06:47 PM

Phone Call
How about you call and sit on the phone all night until u finally get the answer from these nova loosers and give all of us the answer!!!

mrpow 10-07-2003 12:09 AM

i've never had to wait, when I've called. witch is usually before 12 noon.

MR.POW , out

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