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Guest001 12-21-2017 11:22 AM

The other big issue with Windows 10 for me is the right click mouse function for context menus is losing focus on the start button and taskbar.

This is totally Random

LoneWolf61 12-26-2017 07:16 AM

Well you guys are doing better than me mine do not work at all. I've tried the set as admin thing and nothing so when I go to work on a map I have to hook up my old crate which is running win 7.

Guest001 12-26-2017 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by LoneWolf61 (Post 388341)
Well you guys are doing better than me mine do not work at all. I've tried the set as admin thing and nothing so when I go to work on a map I have to hook up my old crate which is running win 7.

Anyone with a fully patched Windows 10 machine has the bug.

LoneWolf61 12-26-2017 01:26 PM

Well let me ask ya a question then can I take the hard drive out of my crate which is running win 7 and un-plug the one which is running win 10 and plug the win 7 hard drive in instead?

Baldo_the_Don 12-26-2017 10:02 PM

New information!
The DFBHD MED running in XP compatibility mode (both SP2 and SP3) would not save edits to events. This stopped after I switched compatibility mode to Vista.

I'll keep this thread updated as necessary!

Guest001 12-27-2017 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by LoneWolf61 (Post 388345)
Well let me ask ya a question then can I take the hard drive out of my crate which is running win 7 and un-plug the one which is running win 10 and plug the win 7 hard drive in instead?

Hi LoneWolf61, if your Windows 7 crate is Not an OEM build you probably can.

If it is an OEM system you probably can't but you could still try.

The theory is that when the OS awakens in the new hardware environment it should examine the system config and load the necessary drivers to get you up and going, unless the hardware is too far in advance for it.

In that case you could still try making a Windows media installation package with the drivers included.

Sil 12-27-2017 04:04 PM

I have been playing around with one of the MEDs on Windows 10 Professional, particularly dfbhdmedv205c.

I managed to replicate some of the issues mentioned above and I appear to have solved them using ACT (Application Compatibility Toolkit).

ACT was used by Scott and myself to fix the border on DF1 and the low swap file warning message on LW etc.

If anyone would be able to test the fix (link below) and post their findings that would be great, if succesful then I will apply it to the other versions of MEDs.

v205c MED Fix Test

Guest001 12-28-2017 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Sil (Post 388354)
I have been playing around with one of the MEDs on Windows 10 Professional, particularly dfbhdmedv205c.

I managed to replicate some of the issues mentioned above and I appear to have solved them using ACT (Application Compatibility Toolkit).

ACT was used by Scott and myself to fix the border on DF1 and the low swap file warning message on LW etc.

If anyone would be able to test the fix (link below) and post their findings that would be great, if succesful then I will apply it to the other versions of MEDs.

v205c MED Fix Test

As far as I know, compatibility settings are system specific and don't stay with the file if downloaded to another system.

So I don't think I can use the file for testing.




Without the creator update - Windows 10 runs the Editors OK

Windows 10 new security account culprits:

Compatibility settings fail to hold

Needs Direct Draw initialised in Windows 10 Pro

Possibly needs other Direct X drivers

Sil 12-28-2017 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by stompem (Post 388356)
As far as I know, compatibility settings are system specific and don't stay with the file if downloaded to another system.

So I don't think I can use the file for testing.




Without the creator update - Windows 10 runs the Editors OK

Windows 10 new security account culprits:

Compatibility settings fail to hold

Needs Direct Draw initialised in Windows 10 Pro

Possibly needs other Direct X drivers

Sorry I think I may have incorrectly left a setting ticked, I've updated it and posted new link below :)

ACT shims are not specific to system.
The shim (.sbd) database is designed to be deployed to multiple machines; hence if you install any of the AppFix (if game requires) files from the downloads here it will work regardless. These are also incorporated and silently installed on GOG releases now.

MED Test v2 :)

lolfake 12-28-2017 06:49 AM

I have Windows 10 Pro with creators update and dual boot Windows 7 but I don't have any of the issues except the .wac (some issues with the.wac)

Guest001 12-28-2017 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by Sil (Post 388359)
Sorry I think I may have incorrectly left a setting ticked, I've updated it and posted new link below :)

ACT shims are not specific to system.
The shim (.sbd) database is designed to be deployed to multiple machines; hence if you install any of the AppFix (if game requires) files from the downloads here it will work regardless. These are also incorporated and silently installed on GOG releases now.

MED Test v2 :)

Shims are the good news, thanks but compatibility implementation in Windows 10 is still the problem for me, as for the fixes I tried out all that you're talking about a while back into the issue.

Don't be upset but due to past experience and other concerns I don't download exe's from unverified sources or repositories - strictly :dontknow:


Thank you but you've already said it before, so some info on your system would be useful, for instance your GFX and Audio System driver version data would be good.

LoneWolf61 12-28-2017 07:00 PM

What about going in and setting computer back to factory setting's?

FrankyTheTank 12-28-2017 07:10 PM

vmware is really key now a days
unlike windows XP the other operating systems have major compatibility problems

windows 7 was the only os what had this in a acceptble balance but still not close

windows 10 i tryed to installed on 2 different computers it installed super slow, also it worked super slow when it was loaded up , highly restricted in functions (for example the scandisc deeper scan took a long roll around until it could be done),
and major of update spam not only the OS itself also that defender, and the firewall of 10, it doesnt support many of things like it only supports 24 bits color

vista is back in version 4.0 maybe even wrose

what this os even replaced ? for 2000 xp was a good replacement also for NT 4.0 and 5.0,ME and partly 98

Guest001 12-30-2017 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by FrankyTheTank (Post 388368)
vmware is really key now a days
unlike windows XP the other operating systems have major compatibility problems

windows 7 was the only os what had this in a acceptble balance but still not close

windows 10 i tryed to installed on 2 different computers it installed super slow, also it worked super slow when it was loaded up , highly restricted in functions (for example the scandisc deeper scan took a long roll around until it could be done),
and major of update spam not only the OS itself also that defender, and the firewall of 10, it doesnt support many of things like it only supports 24 bits color

vista is back in version 4.0 maybe even wrose

what this os even replaced ? for 2000 xp was a good replacement also for NT 4.0 and 5.0,ME and partly 98

Good advice - :gj:

In fact I've got a Windows 7 vm

The trouble is I got to SP1 then had troubles. Trusted Installer.exe kept suspending.

Some snapshots of the vm allowed me to roll back.

There I decided to update it a bit at a time by KB ID and dates - now sitting at update 79 out of 124.

Guest001 12-30-2017 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Sil (Post 388359)
Sorry I think I may have incorrectly left a setting ticked, I've updated it and posted new link below :)

ACT shims are not specific to system.
The shim (.sbd) database is designed to be deployed to multiple machines; hence if you install any of the AppFix (if game requires) files from the downloads here it will work regardless. These are also incorporated and silently installed on GOG releases now.

MED Test v2 :)

I understand what you're saying and it's a solution for those who are stuck with a single system.

Good Job :gj:

In the mean time I'll leave this issue to be resolved by future updates as I have several solutions already in place but it'd be nice to see the fix come from the top end of town.

XP Virtual Machine (ready to go)

Windows 7 Virtual Machine (updating still in progress)

Windows 10 Pro Laptop (isolated from the net at first activation)

Guest001 12-30-2017 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Sil (Post 388359)
Sorry I think I may have incorrectly left a setting ticked, I've updated it and posted new link below :)

ACT shims are not specific to system.
The shim (.sbd) database is designed to be deployed to multiple machines; hence if you install any of the AppFix (if game requires) files from the downloads here it will work regardless. These are also incorporated and silently installed on GOG releases now.

MED Test v2 :)

I tried your fix after all but had trouble getting it past security.

I managed to get it in with the following modification to the batch script.


>nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"
if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' (
    echo Requesting administrative privileges...
    goto CallUAC
) else ( goto RunAsAdmin )
    echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\runasadmin.vbs"
    echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\runasadmin.vbs"
    exit /B
    if exist "%temp%\runasadmin.vbs" ( del "%temp%\runasadmin.vbs" )
    pushd "%CD%"
    CD /D "%~dp0"

echo *****************************************************************************
echo *****************************************************************************
echo *****************************************************************************
echo This compatibility fix will get rid of the low swap file warning message
echo as well as remove the borders from the game windows in multiplayer...
echo Brought to you by (Special thanks to Silent for help with the sdb)
echo *****************************************************************************
echo *****************************************************************************
echo *****************************************************************************

set /P conf=Press I to Install or U to Uninstall. E to exit:
if /I "%conf%" EQU "I" goto :install
if /I "%conf%" EQU "U" goto :uninstall
if /I "%conf%" EQU "E" goto :exitbat
goto :selection


sdbinst.exe -q "%CD%\DF1.sdb"

echo Database Installed! Press any key to exit...


sdbinst.exe -u -q "%CD%\DF1.sdb"

echo Database Uninstalled! Press any key to exit...



I managed to turn the editor on OK but it failed to save any edits and it failed to open again the second time. :dontknow:

Guest001 12-30-2017 12:11 PM

I've also noticed that there are no med backup files on my Windows 10 PC anymore.

There are usually 2 of them on the system drive (drive C for most of us) and they contain the data for MEd undo operations.

It looks like they were removed during the update process.


Originally Posted by Sil (Post 388359)
if you install any of the AppFix files from the downloads here it will work
MED Test v2 :)

Sil 12-30-2017 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by stompem (Post 388406)
I tried your fix after all but had trouble getting it past security.

I managed to get it in with the following modification to the batch script.


>nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"
if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' (
    echo Requesting administrative privileges...
    goto CallUAC
) else ( goto RunAsAdmin )
    echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\runasadmin.vbs"
    echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\runasadmin.vbs"
    exit /B
    if exist "%temp%\runasadmin.vbs" ( del "%temp%\runasadmin.vbs" )
    pushd "%CD%"
    CD /D "%~dp0"

echo *****************************************************************************
echo *****************************************************************************
echo *****************************************************************************
echo This compatibility fix will get rid of the low swap file warning message
echo as well as remove the borders from the game windows in multiplayer...
echo Brought to you by (Special thanks to Silent for help with the sdb)
echo *****************************************************************************
echo *****************************************************************************
echo *****************************************************************************

set /P conf=Press I to Install or U to Uninstall. E to exit:
if /I "%conf%" EQU "I" goto :install
if /I "%conf%" EQU "U" goto :uninstall
if /I "%conf%" EQU "E" goto :exitbat
goto :selection


sdbinst.exe -q "%CD%\DF1.sdb"

echo Database Installed! Press any key to exit...


sdbinst.exe -u -q "%CD%\DF1.sdb"

echo Database Uninstalled! Press any key to exit...



I managed to turn the editor on OK but it failed to save any edits and it failed to open again the second time. :dontknow:

Doh, that's the wrong script :D that's the script from df1.sdb install, I dropped the wrong one in when reuploaded, apologies.

MED Fix Test - Corrected bat

It's probably not installed the MedFix.sdb as it is trying to install df1.sdb, can confirm that it is installed correctly by looking in Apps and Features/Programs and Features for MED.

Script should read:


echo ************************************************** ***************************
echo ************************************************** ***************************
echo ************************************************** ***************************
echo Compatibility fix (test) for dfbhdmedv205c by Sil
echo ************************************************** ***************************
echo ************************************************** ***************************
echo ************************************************** ***************************

set /P conf=Press I to Install or U to Uninstall. E to exit:
if /I "%conf%" EQU "I" goto :install
if /I "%conf%" EQU "U" goto :uninstall
if /I "%conf%" EQU "E" goto :exitbat
goto :selection


sdbinst.exe -q "%CD%\MedFix.sdb"

echo Database Installed! Press any key to exit...


sdbinst.exe -u -q "%CD%\MedFix.sdb"

echo Database Uninstalled! Press any key to exit...


LoneWolf61 12-30-2017 02:30 PM

Well I tell ya one better than that lol. I reset my win 10 system today and saved all my files it reinstalled windows but now it doesn't recognize my keyboard or mouse, it does in bios but when it login screen comes up nothing. Win 10 is a piece of crap.

Guest001 12-30-2017 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by LoneWolf61 (Post 388410)
Well I tell ya one better than that lol. I reset my win 10 system today and saved all my files it reinstalled windows but now it doesn't recognize my keyboard or mouse, it does in bios but when it login screen comes up nothing. Win 10 is a piece of crap.

That's really really bad.

On a laptop I could understand needing special drivers.

If it's a PC maybe the keyboard is enhanced or both mouse and keyboard share the drivers or USB transmitter device?

Unless you needed particular drivers for them they should work on generic drivers for now.

Try removing all mouse and keyboards from device manager then reboot.

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